Liste bekannter US-Amerikaner mit deutschen Wurzeln
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1 Unterhaltung
2 Schauspieler
- Madchen Amick [1] "She is half German, a quarter Norwegian, and a quarter Swedish. Her name, which can also be written as Maedchen, means "maiden" or "young woman" in German and results from the desire of her parents, Bill and Judy, to give their daughter a name more unusual than their own."
- Edward Arnold [2] "He was born Guenther Edward Schneider February 18, 1890 in New York City to fur cutter Carl Schneider and Elizabeth Ohse formerly of Hanover, Germany. Five children made for a crowded coldwater flat, but the thrifty German family somehow always had enough food on the table."
- Fred Astaire [3] (on Astaire's parents) "Fritz Austerlitz made his way west to Omaha, Nebraska. There he met... Johanna (Ann) Geilus. Johanna had been born in Omaha, but her parents... were German-speaking, Lutheran immigrants from East Prussia and Alsace."
- Mary Astor [4] "She was born Lucile Vasconcells Langhanke in Quincy, Illinois, on May 3, 1906, though sources in Quincy have given the birth year as 1903. Lucile was the only child of Otto Ludwig Wilhelm Langhanke and his wife, Helen Vasconcells. Lucileâs father had immigrated from Germany while her mother was the daughter of Portuguese-Irish farmers, who had been in Illinois for a generation. Mr. Langhanke made his living teaching German in public high school in Quincy, until the United States entered the First World War in 1917 and an anti-German backlash led to the elimination of most German language studies from American schools. Langhanke found work only sporadically afterwards, forcing his wife to seek employment."
- Eric Braeden [5] "Born Hans Gudegast, Eric Braeden emigrated to the U.S. in 1959 from the port city of Kiel, West Germany and became a naturalized citizen while attending college. In 1989, Eric served as a member of the German-American Advisory Board along with the likes of Dr. Henry Kissinger. Eric has also been awarded the Federal Medal of Honor by the President of Germany for promoting a "positive, realistic image of Germans in America."
- Sandra Bullock [6] "Bullock, born in Arlington, Va. in the mid-'60s, was introduced to the joys of the stage arts by her father John, then a Pentagon contractor and part-time vocal coach, and especially by her German-born mother, Helga, an opera singer whose tours took Sandra and her younger sister Gesine across Europe..."
- Doris Day [7] "She was born Doris Kappelhoff in 1924, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Her father was German and Catholic, a musician and a conductor..."
- Ellen DeGeneres [8] "my mother is German and my father is French." (note: only one of her maternal grandparents was of German descent)
- Leonardo DiCaprio [9] "His dad, George DiCaprio, half German and half Italian, is an underground comic book artist... DiCaprio's mother, Irmelin Indenbirken (sometimes spelled In Den Birken), was born in a German air raid shelter in the midst of a World War II air raid. After the war, in the 1950s, she emigrated to the US with her parents as a young child... DiCaprio's maternal grandparents, Wilhelm and Helene Indenbirken, continued to live in the US for many years before returning to Germany to enjoy their retirement." [10]
- Marlene Dietrich [11] "Marlene Dietrich was born as Marie Magdelene Dietrich in Berlin on December 27, 1901... She became a U.S. citizen and helped the war effort in WW II."
- Kirsten Dunst [12] "Dunst jokingly says that she “will have no problem playing an Austrian character because my Dad’s German.”"
- Alice Faye [13] "Alice Jeanne Leppert was born on May 5, 1915, in Hell's Kitchen, New York and was the third child of her Irish Mother and German Father."
- William Fichtner [14] "What nationality are you? (Ginny) German. American."
- Edwin Forrest [15] "born at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on the 9th of March 1806, of Scottish and German descent."
- Dennis Franz [16] "In actuality, Franz is Dennis's middle name, and the first name of his father, a German immigrant. Though unfailingly mispronounced, 'Franz' is less difficult to say than his given surname. "'Schlachta' was never easy for people to hear, say or spell," says Dennis."
- Uta Hagen [17] "Uta was born on June 12, 1919 in Gottingen, Germany. Her family was very artistic. At age 7, her father got a job as head of the art history department of University of Wisconsin."
- Phil Hartman [18] "Phil Hartman was born on September 24, 1948, to a German-Catholic family, in Ontario, Canada..." [19] "He became a U.S. citizen in the early 1990s."
- Katherine Heigl [20] "Raised in Connecticut with her two older brothers, Holt and Jason, and older sister Meg, the half-Irish, half-German natural blonde was a child model for Sears catalogs before landing small roles in commercial work."
- Marg Helgenberger [21] "After all, Helgenberger is probably used to changes. How far out can a girl who grew up as one of three children in a German/Irish Catholic family go?"
- Grace Kelly [22] "Hers wasn't a classical beauty, but a modern American one: a vibrant ethnic mix of her fine-featured German mother and picaresque Irish father." [23]
- Marta Kristen [24] "My American mother is of German origin. Did you know that? We're a very international group."
- Cyndi Lauper [25] "LR: How can you be Italian with a name like Lauper? CL: Lauper's my father's name. He's German and Swiss and my mom's Italian. So I'm German, Swiss and Sicilian. Kinda like cold cuts. [laughs] The German and the Italian in me are always fighting and the Swiss guy in the middle is goin', "OK, let's talk here. Everybody calm down." [both laugh]"
- Lila Lee [26] "Lila Lee: My name is Lila Lee. I was born Augusta Wilhelmena Fredericka Appel. If that's too complicated, there you are, you're stuck with it. My mother and father were both German. They came over here. I think I just made the "being born here" by one day."
- Ryan Merriman [27] "My dream is to go to Germany and Paris. Germany because my dad's family is from there..."
- Nick Nolte [28] "Nolte's father was Franklin, of German origin and, so the story goes, one of a tribe of giants - Nolte's uncles Bener and Poob, plus his dad, all rode in at over 6ft 6in, Nolte himself is 6ft 1in."
- George Raft [29] "George Raft was born in 1895 to a German father (Ranft) and an Italian mother. His underworld involvement in New York City is still not clear..."
- Tiffani Thiessen [30] "How do you come by your complexion? I'm a mutt. I have so much of everything in me, and half of it I don't even know. German on one side; Greek, Turkish and Welsh on the other. My mom is very olive-skinned; I get my blue eyes from my dad."
- Christopher Walken [31] "Walken's father, 97, is a German immigrant who ran a bakery in the New York suburb of Queens..."
- Bruce Willis [32] "Actor Bruce Willis has reportedly paid a surprise visit to the house in south Germany where he was born 50 years ago... The actor then visited the Strasbourg army barracks where David Willis Sr was stationed when Bruce was born in 1955... His mother Marlene was born in the nearby town of Kassel."
3 Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft
- Albert Bierstadt Maler
- George Grosz, Maler
- Ub Iwerks, Zeichner Mickey Mouse
- Emanuel Leutze, Maler
- Erwin Panofsky, Kunsthistoriker
- Severin Roesen, Maler
- Charles M. Schulz, Zeichner Charlie Brown, Die Peanuts
- Karl Ferdinand Wimar, Maler
4 Schriftsteller
- L. Frank Baum, Autor The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
- Charles Bukowski, Dichter (in Deutschland geboren, deutsche Mutter)
- Theodore Dreiser
- Roger Ebert
- Karl Follen
- Friedrich Hirth
- Eric Hoffer
- Henry Miller
- Thomas Nast
- Sylvia Plath
- Erich Maria Remarque
- Conrad Richter
- Charles Sealsfield (Geboren in Österreich)
- John Steinbeck (Deutsch-amerikanischer Vater)
- Dr. Seuss
- Rick R. Smith, Gründer der American Patriots For True Equality ( (stammt von dem anhaltischem Adelsgeschlecht von Rath ab)
- Kurt Vonnegut [33] "As an American soldier of German heritage, he fought against the Germans and was captured during The Battle of the Bulge. "The Germans looked at his dog tags," Weide says, "and saw his last name and realized he was of German ancestry. And they said to him 'Why do you fight against your brothers?' He had never considered himself a German, so this struck him as an almost surreal question."
- August Wilson, (deutscher Vater)
5 Regisseure
- Robert Altman[1] "Altman, he says, means old man in German - his father's antecedents were German; his grandfather dropped the second n when he arrived in Kansas City."[2] "The Altmans were decidedly upper-middle class. Of German-American stock, they were one of the leading families of Kansas City."
- Robert J. Flaherty, Regisseur, (deutsch-amerikanische Mutter)
- Jurgen Vsych, Regisseur, Drehbuchschreiber, Autor
6 Musiker
- Helen Kane, Sängerin, (deutscher Vater))
- Theodore Thomas, Musiker
- Ronnie Vannucci Jr.
- Lawrence Welk, Musiker
7 Unternehmer
- John Jacob Astor
- Maximilian Berlitz, Berlitz Language School
- Adolphus Busch, Gründer der Anheuser-Busch- Brauerei
- Walter Percy Chrysler, Chrysler- Entwickler
- Adolph Coors III, Gründer des Coors- Bierimperiums
- Henry Clay Frick, Industrieller
- Henry J. Heinz, Gründer von Heinz (Ketschup, Suppen, Soßen)
- Milton S. Hershey, Gründer von Hershey (Schokolade. Die Familie ist deutsch-schweizerischer Herkunft und hiess im alten Europa "Hersche")
- Conrad Hilton, Gründer der "Hilton" Hotelkette (deutsche Mutter)
- Max Kade
- Otto Kahn, Investmentbanker
- Henry J. Kaiser, Gründer von Kaiser Permanente
- John Kluge
- George von Lengerke Meyer
- Frederick Miller, Gründer von Miller Beer
- Eric E. Schmidt, CEO von Google
- August Schrader, Gummi- Pionier
- Claus Spreckels, Industrieller
- Heinrich Engelhard Steinweg, Pianofabrikant
- John Augustus Sutter
- Donald Trump, Bauunternehmer, die Eltern seines Vaters waren deutsche Einwanderer, von 2017 bis 2021 der 45. Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika
8 Geschichte der USA
- Charles Bendire, army captain
- Johann de Kalb, Major General in the American Revolution
- David Farragut, Union admiral (father Jordi was mixed Spanish, German, and Catalan)
- August Kautz
- Fritz Kuhn (Nazi)
- Jacob Leisler, colonist
- Clara Maass, nurse
- Tom Metzger
- Charles Mohr, pharmacist
- Chester Nimitz, admiral of World War II Pacific theatre
- Pat Nixon, wife of Richard Nixon (German mother)
- Bernard Adolph Schriever
- Carl Schurz
- Norman Schwarzkopf, Sr.
- H. Norman Schwarzkopf (German-American father)
- Franz Sigel
- Baron von Steuben
- John Sutter---German-Swiss
- Paul Warburg, banker
- Henry Wirz, native of Zürich and commandant of Confederate Andersonville prison camp
9 Erfinder
- William Backhouse Astor Sr.
- Wernher von Braun, Raketeningenieur
- Emil Berliner
- Ottmar Mergenthaler, Linotype
- August Schrader
- George Schlukbier (deutscher Vater)
- Gustave Whitehead, aviation pioneer
10 Politiker
- Roy C. Afflerbach, former mayor of Allentown, Pennsylvania
- John Peter Altgeld, governor of Illinois
- Philip Becker, mayor of Buffalo, New York
- David J. Brightbill, Pennsylvania State Senate Majority Leader
- Pat Buchanan, 2000 Reform Party candidate (German-American mother)
- Warren E. Burger - former Chief Justice of the United States [34] "Ethnicity Swiss/German"
- George Dallas, past US Vice President
- Charlie Dent, Pennsylvania congressman
- Everett McKinley Dirksen, U.S. Senator from Illinois
- Dwight Eisenhower, 34th President of the United States (1953–1961) and General
- Richard Gephardt, U.S. Representative from Missouri (German American father)
- Newt Gingrich, former Georgia congressman and Speaker of The House
- Barbara Hafer, former Pennsylvania Auditor General and Treasurer
- John F. Hartranft, Union General and past Governor of Pennsylvania
- John Heinz, late US Senator from Pennsylvania
- Joseph Hiester, past Governor of Pennsylvania
- Joe Hoeffel, former Pennsylvania congressman
- Michael Hillegas, first Treasurer of the United States
- Daniel Webster Hoan, socialist mayor of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- John Jacob, U.S. administrator
- Joseph McCarthy, (3/4 irisch 1/4 deutsch)
- Hans Joachim Morgenthau, U.S. diplomat
- John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg, past U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania
- Todd Platts, Pennsylvania congressman
- Joseph Ritner, past Governor of Pennsylvania
- Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense
- John Andrew Shulze, past Governor of Pennsylvania
- Carl Schurz, Secretary of the Interior
- Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor of California
- Brian Schweitzer, Governor of Montana (both parents half German)
- Francis R. Shunk, past Governor of Pennsylvania
- Bill Shuster, Pennsylvania congressman
- Bud Shuster, former Pennsylvania congressman
- Al Smith, Governor of New York and 1928 Democratic Presidential nominee (German grandmother)
- Simon Snyder, past Governor of Pennsylvania (and the first German-American elected to the office)
- Jesse Ventura, wrestler & Governor of Minnesota (German-American mother)
- Paul Volcker, Chairman of the Federal Reserve
- Robert Ferdinand Wagner, U.S. Senator New York
- Robert F. Wagner Jr., New York mayor (German father)
- John Wanamaker, businessman and Postmaster General
- Mark Warner, Governor of Virginia
- Robert Zoellick, U.S. Secretary of State
11 Kirche
- Thomas R. Ahlersmeyer, Lutheran minister
- Gerald B. Kieschnick, president of the Lutheran church
- Anthony Maas, Catholic exegete
- Albert Cardinal Meyer, Roman Catholic cardinal
- Henry Muhlenberg, Lutheran clergyman
- Reinhold Niebuhr, theologian
- George Hugh Niederauer, Roman Catholic bishop
- Philip William Otterbein, clergyman
- Lester Roloff, Baptist storyteller
- George Schoener, Roman Catholic priest
- Paul Johannes Tillich, theologian
12 Andere
- George Atzerodt, assassin
- Walter Baade, astronomer
- Hans Albrecht Bethe, physicist
- Rudolf Carnap, philosopher
- Adolf Cluss, architect
- Walter Johannes Damrosch, conductor
- Dale Earnhardt, race car driver
- George Engelmann, botanist
- Lukas Foss, conductor
- James Franck, physicist
- Henry Louis Gehrig, baseball player
- Maria Goeppert-Mayer, physicist Nobel Prize
- Walter Gropius, architect
- Bruno Hauptmann, criminal
- Friedrich Hecker, revolutionary
- Jon Heidenreich, professional wrestler
- Herman Hollerith, statistician
- Hanya Holm, choreographer
- Karen Horney, psychoanalyst
- Horst P. Horst, photographer
- Jimmy Kimmel, comedian (German-American father)
- Kurt Koffka, psychologist
- Wolfgang Kohler, psychologist
- John Lederer, explorer
- Francis Lieber
- Charles Martin Loeffler, composer
- Louis Maurer, lithographer
- H. L. Mencken, journalist
- Peter Minuit
- Heinrich Melchior Muhlenberg
- Frederick Traugott Pursh, botanist
- Walter Reuther
- David Rittenhouse
- John Augustus Roebling, architect
- Siegfried & Roy, entertainers
- George Herman "Babe" Ruth, baseball player (German-American father)
- Marty Schottenheimer, football coach
- George Steinbrenner, New York Yankees owner
- Charles Proteus Steinmetz, mathematician
- Otto Stern, physicist
- Studebaker, family
- Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, architect
- Henry Villard, journalist
- Carl Weiss (assassinated Huey Long)
- Günther F. Wendt, engineer
- John Peter Zenger, journalist
13 Deutsch-Jüdische Herkunft
- Felix Adler, Rationalist
- Anni Albers, Bauhaus- Textilkünstlerin
- Hannah Arendt, Philosophin
- Max Baer, Boxer
- Ralph Baer, Videospielentwickler
- Franz Boas, Anthropologe
- Ernst Bloch, Philosoph
- Louis Brandeis, ehemaliger United States Supreme Court- Richter deutsch-tschechischer Abkunft
- Jerry Bruckheimer, Produzent
- Barney Dreyfuss, Baseball-Manager
- Albert Einstein Physiker
- James Ingo Freed, Architekt
- Erich Fromm, Philosoph
- Richard Goldschmidt, Genetiker
- Dolly Haas, Schauspielerin
- Oscar Hammerstein, Theaterintendant
- Abraham Jacobi, Vater der Kinderheilkunde.
- Joseph Kesselring, Autor
- Henry Kissinger Politiker
- Fritz Lang, Regisseur
- Kurt Lewin, Psychologe
- Ernst Lubitsch, Regisseur
- Herbert Marcuse, Soziologe
- Albert Abraham Michelson, Physiker
- Henry Morgenthau Jr., U.S. Schatzmeister
- Mike Nichols, Regisseur
- Robert Oppenheimer Physiker
- Abraham Robinson, Mathematiker
- Jacob Schiff, Philanthrop
- Liev Schreiber, Schauspieler
- Jerry Springer, Talkshowmaster, vorher Bürgermeister von Cincinnati, Ohio
- Alfred Stieglitz, Photograph
- Gloria Steinem, Feministin (deutsch-amerikanische Mutter)
- Isidor Straus, Macy's Kaufhauskette
- Nathan Straus, Großhändler
- Leo Strauss, Philosoph
- Levi Strauss, Kleiderfabrikant , Jeans usw.
- Samuel Ullman, Menschenfreund
- Lillian D. Wald, Sozialarbeiter
- Bruno Walter, Dirigent
- Kurt Weill, Komponist
- Ruth Westheimer, Sex-Therapeut
14 Andere Lexika
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