Kategorie Diskussion:Male politicians of Germany

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Lieber Manfred, was soll das hier sein? Das ist sicher keine "Kategorie", ein Artikel auch nicht, aber was dann? Speicherplatz für persönliche Notizen? Michael Kühntopf (Diskussion) 21:31, 9. Okt. 2013 (CEST)

1 Manfred Dott, State Secretary

2 Manfred Dott, State Secretary

in the 10th GDR People's Chamber

10 years in the Boy Scouts DPSG, German scouts St. George. Teaching professional plumber. Since his political thought in the first half of life , always looking for a better social order. ( According to current knowledge , there is not the ideals of social order , therefore Dott had , after the bitter experiences GDR socialism and finally settled for the freedom and for our liberal order that comes closest to M. Dotts company image . ) Then: participating in illegal meetings of the banned Communist Party in Koblenz, without their being a member . In the sixties, a sympathizer of the APO ( " extra-parliamentary opposition " ) Two- year member of the DKP . Study trip to the GDR. Society Scientific studies at the Karl Marx University of Leipzig branch Franz Mehring Institute Berlin Biesdorf . While studying M. Dott met his future wife Edith Görke , after marrying Edith Dott know in East Berlin . 1970 Dott wanted to take his girlfriend to the West. This was followed by a party to the contract separation of this relationship . His girlfriend for an exit visa . This started with her ​​usual scenario for leaving applicants in the GDR. Repression in their professional and private environment . When Manfred Dott now began a healing process and thinking about the political correctness of his views. As he again refused a separation at a discussion with officials of the university in Berlin, he took the diploma as social scientists back to Koblenz. Where he was excluded on the instructions of the SED from the Rheinlanpfälzischen DKP . After Dott received from his girlfriend , Edith Görke to enter East Berlin and from the news that it would free him to East Germany without a visa to get married there. This would also Dott . First he came with his daughter almost a year to monitor and re-education in a refugee camp at Barby near Magdeburg , behind barbed wire with armed guards . There he had a right to return to the Federal Republic. In the one year visit his girlfriend was allowed only once. In this camp year at Magdeburg Dott behaved very quietly and unobtrusively , to not be deported but still . He worked there as a heater and under guard in the tractor factory Beautiful Beck. After this camp year Dott was finally able to enter the GDR. He moved in with his girlfriend in Halberstadt . After a further transitional period still without GDR passport with a permanent residence permit for the city of Halberstadt, without being allowed to leave , Dott worked as a plumber in a circle Construction Halberstadt and his girlfriend in the Salvator Hospital in Halberstadt as a nurse. After this re- suspended Dott got the GDR citizenship at a ceremony at the district council . It was opened to him that he would have all the rights of GDR citizens immediately. This meant in practice that in his particular case a return and a visit to the Federal Republic forever be excluded . So he phoned so often with his family in Koblenz. Only married Dott and his girlfriend as soon as possible to deal with the now -born child not to be separated as a family. Until then, some had been dammed and family Dott was now finally in the Federal Republic. Family Dott turned 19 emigration applications , 14 of which are neatly Interior Ministry still be found today in the Stasi file of Manfred and Edith Dott Uend 5 Applications to the VPKA (People 's Police District ) that are not in the Stasi file . Now begins the pressure of the GDR authorities followed a public demo of M. Dott with poster from the window of the apartment to the first of May , with the text : "1 May day of struggle for human rights worldwide. " Dott was arrested and then released after questioning. After the final exit visa and Mrs. Dott was appointed to the council of the district Internal Affairs in Halberstadt . There they told them that the government does not want longer afford that such restlessness of a former member of the so -called " progressive forces in the FRG " go out. Dott was aware at that moment that his family was in grave danger . A Mr. Steinbach of the District Council of Magdeburg ( Stasi ) , who had come to this meeting to Halberstadt , told the couple Dott , when they would finally give peace and would stop now contacts made to a CDU member of the Bundestag from Koblenz and any future would provide more emigration applications , then they could live professional and private back undisturbed and rehabilitated. Furthermore suggested Steinbach Dott that he could do in a five-year study at the School of Civil Engineering Magdeburg , specialist construction , an engineering degree with relevant professional perspectives and a new wife , good Job.bekomme . As Manfred Dott and Edith were in poor health due to the constant stress, they accepted the offer . That should be something like an occupational therapy for Dott well . In the study of higher mathematics and statics of the subject for a while there were no other place in the mind of M. Dott. It was so quiet at this family become . It remains a mystery how the highly organized and durchgespitzelte on the other machine had prevailed almost from one day to professionally and also private rehabilitation. After completing his studies of Manfred Dott as newly construction engineer . in the new operation of Manfred Dott , the housing Combine Magdeburg, earned him a work colleague , also civil engineer , to a member of the CDU to be in the Association of National Front of the GDR . Dott what this fellow said , I certainly did not diplomatically and ready for printing . Incidentally, this colleague is still a member of the CDU in Halberstadt . After Dott was approached for membership by anyone on any . The political work of Manfred Dott confined to the small space within the Catholic church in Halberstadt . Under the protection and the careful guidance of the Franciscan Father Konrad Kretschmer knew the biography of Manfred Dott and family exactly as directed Dott and sometimes also called back , he was not exposed to danger. Father Konrad also made initial contacts to Magdeburg ago . Swords to Plowshares , the New Forum , Mr. Tschiche a milestone in this development . Dott was early in the new member forum with like- minded people who initially thought naively , to reform the GDR. When the speakers 1989 in Halberstadt Martinikirche Dott was one of the sharpest critics of the local -district and state security . Dott was elected as a delegate to the Halberstadt Republikfrorum . With the large separation action in which the members of the NF , campaigning for a reform of the GDR , of those who parted at this time already wanted German unity , Dott has emerged with the Saxon delegates from the forum in home county to form new parties. A connection with parties of the National Front came to none Enheitsforderer in question . The Franciscan priest asked for Dott , also with the help of the episcopal office to connect to the CSU ago . After joint meetings in Munich Dott founded with some people the national association of the DSU, in Saxony-Anhalt and became its regional chairman and member of the Presidium of the party in the GDR. The then German Development Aid Minister Spranger came several times to the GDR to build in Saxony-Anhalt , especially the National Association of the DSU . After the founding congress and in preparation of the first free East German elections Dott was elected People's Chamber in Saxony- Anhalt as the top candidate and after the GDR. There in Berlin Dott by Lothar de Maizière appointed as Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport after him for his Wunschminsterium building the Stasi minister stressed cattle Weger was preferred by Demaiziere .. When the People's Chamber was then dissolved by order of the Unification Treaty , Dott wanted to be included in Halberstadt , despite strong objections to the block party CDU. His former membership application was rejected by the county chairman in Halberstadt with the words , " then in the GDR did you want to become a CDU member and now I guarantee you , you'll never more . The told Dott its still chief minister of transport Gibtner in Berlin, where the the word 2Unsinn " receipted . Minister of Transport vouched for him and he was taken in Berlin in the CDU and transferred as a party member in the circle Halberstadt / Wernigerode . This angered some officials , because they realized that their influence and block roped was still limited somewhere . a frosty air received Dott in the CDU district association , because of the recent activity in the New Forums and against state security . This was for Dott a queasy feeling , party members again or to see still high functions in the CDU again . Sometime Dott held his inability to change anything , not more , and has emerged again from the CDU. This was certainly not right, you may on the renewal of the Christian Democratic Union in the field of former GDR from the outside to change even less than from the inside--Manfred Dott (Diskussion) 19:47, 9. Okt. 2013 (CEST)

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