Diskussion:Porn 2.0

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Porn 2.0, named after the Web 2.0 is a concept of internet-based websites featuring user-generated content. These ideas are sometimes described as an intermediate social networking mediums using dynamics contents such as user-based categorizing, webcam hosting in ?tube as opposed to static contents in Porn 1.0 (e.g., Thumbnail gallery post, pop-up, brute force trivial advertising). The model derived from the Web 2.0 citizen media content known as the bubbling effect, that include video community (metacafe, okloggers, vimeo, youtube) and extending/orientating interest and hobby mediums such as citizen media journalism (fictionpress, tumblr, twitter), general blogging, (blogspot, dailybooth, lookbook), live interaction hosting (flickr, megaupload, photobucket, picasa). Likewise in many instance of the Porn 2.0 websites, they usually utilize social networking mechanism as foundation, and bubbling generic contents such as amateur pornography, cybersex, online sex et cetera. While most Porn 2.0 sites still prefer to focus on specific audience such as movie hosting, gay, lesbian and swinging contents, they are still a mass media focusing on some idea of traditional pornography such as glam photography, and interactive sites of webcam hosting, sharing and trade media, such as (fukbook, iCam, iPorn AVN). These styles, trends and preferences are not necessary limited to forking trends, however, cultural media of pornography literature and adult comic still prefers to use Porn 1.0 as of current.

Since their inception, Porn 2.0 websites have garnered great popularity, but have meanwhile encountered various legal and other difficulties. Among these difficulties are concern about the digital content copyright, trade media and affiliating partnership advertising. Other concerns include the idea of sharing vs privacy in Security 2.0 and legal ramifications of large quantities of free, user-generated pornographic content on the internet. To solve these problems temporarily, a method of implementations of zero-dollar charge credit card verification are implemented in MaxPorn and RTA & age verification consent in PornoTube respectfully. While in Porn 3.0 development, news media often suggest the usage of 3D stereoscopy,[1] multi-angle DVD[2] neural impulse actuators, and peripheral controller and devices [3] similar to game controller vibration, eliminating less probable technologies such as holograms.

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1 Challenges

While some argue that pornographic sites are a natural development for an industry that has always been at the forefront of technological advance,[4] Porn 2.0 has presented several difficulties and challenges.

1.1 Copyright issues

Copyright infringement is chief among the challenges that have confronted Porn 2.0.[5] Porn 2.0 websites have come under attack as being potentially harmful to the economics of more traditional pornography outlets such as DVD sales and monthly paid subscription adult sites.[6]Vorlage:Quote

As with YouTube, any site that allows users to upload content runs the risk of infringing on the copyrights of the original producers. While this was a grey issue at the inception of the Web 2.0 movement, a billion dollar lawsuit filed by Viacom in 2007 against YouTube (see "Copyright Infringement") will bring this issue before the courts and will have a massive potential effect on the viability of Porn 2.0 as a business strategy.

1.2 Age and identity

As part of the Child Protection and Obscenity Enforcement Act of 1988, the U.S. Congress enacted statute 18 U.S.C. 2257 in 1988. This required that all producers of sexually explicit material keep detailed records of the age and identity of all models that they shoot. While this posed some difficulty for professional producers of commercial pornography, the advent of user-submitted material to Porn 2.0 sites widened the possible application of the law. When anyone who produces sexual-explicit material is subject to the statute, Porn 2.0 meant that even individuals at home who shot amateur video were now considered producers.[7]

A 2007 decision by the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals found that the 2257 legislation was unconstitutional and violated first amendment rights.[8] The decision was overturned in a 2009 en banc rehearing.[9] The United States Supreme Court declined to hear the matter.[10]

1.3 Privacy

It is possible that users upload material without the models' consent. This is usually prohibited by the sites' Terms of Use, although some sites such as Voyeurweb allow non-consensual photos and move offices frequently to avoid the legal issues this might otherwise entail.[11]

1.4 Monetization

As with Web 2.0 ventures like Facebook, MySpace or YouTube, Porn 2.0 has yet to find a strategy that proves to be commercially profitable. High server costs from hosting the large amount of user-generated content paired with little to no user-generated income puts Porn 2.0 websites in a challenging financial position. Because Porn 2.0 services have, so far, been free of charge to users, the only source of revenue for these sites is from advertising placement. While high traffic sites can garner substantial revenue from advertising, websites are searching for a new monetization model for Web and Porn 2.0 ventures.[12]

2 Services

2.1 YouPorn

YouPorn is a free pornographic video sharing site, similar in format to YouTube. Started in August 2006, it has since become one of the most popular pornographic sitesVorlage:Citation needed. The domain name was registered by a company in December 2005, and a little over a year later YouPornMobile was registered, promoting mobile porn. The site does not list any contact address, and journalists have speculated that the company is based in Germany.

In October 2007, it was reported that a man, a Stanford MBA living in California, had contacted Vivid Entertainment and AEBN in May 2007, claiming that he co-owned YouPorn with another individual, and was willing to sell for $20 million. He later denied owning YouPorn, claiming instead that it was founded and is operated by a German.[13]

2.2 Pornotube

PornoTube is an advertising-supported pornographic site that provides audio, videos, and photos of explicit sex. It is one of the highest-traffic pornographic sites on the Internet along with Porn Hub and YouPorn and has been described as a major development in Internet pornography.[14]

PornoTube was started in July 2006 by AEBN.

2.3 Redtube

RedTube is a Web 2.0, video sharing, pornography site which in November 2009, held an Alexa ranking within the World's top 100 sites. However by June 2010 it had fallen out of the top 100. Its popularity has been ascribed to its non-sexual name.

Wired reported that Redtube.com was one of the 5 fastest growing websites in December of 2007.

The site's database was accessed and temporarily shut down by Turkish hackers in February 2008

2.4 Xtube

XTube is a Canadian pornographic video hosting service which allows users to share adult videos with others.

2.5 Social porn news

There are other forms of Porn 2.0, which do not involve user-generated video content. It is the case of the so-called "Social Porn"[15] Digg-style websites, where registered users write articles about their submitted links. The first ever social news website dedicated to porn and adult content was socialporn.com, created in 2006. This site was closed in 2008 due to the lack of adequate counter-measures against spam submissions.

3 References

  1. 3D Porn, Current
  2. Porn 3.0: the next gen of sex biz tech, p2, TechRadar
  3. Porn 3.0: the next gen of sex biz tech, p3, TechRadar
  4. usatoday.com: Online porn often leads high-tech way
  5. Porn 2.0, and Its Victims :: Mediacheck :: thetyee.ca.
  6. www.portfolio.com/culture-lifestyle/culture-inc/arts/2007/10/15/YouPorn-Vivid-Entertainment-Profile.
  7. machinist.salon.com/blog/2007/10/24/porn_law/.
  8. www.ca6.uscourts.gov/opinions.pdf/07a0430p-06.pdf (PDF).
  9. Connection Distributing Co. v. Holder, (6th Cir. 2009) (en banc).
  10. Order List (10/05/2009)
  11. [1], Wired.com, October 2002
  12. web2.socialcomputingmagazine.com/struggling_to_monetize_web_20.htm.
  13. Obscene Losses, Portfolio, 15 October 2007
  14. Brown, Joe: 'The most important site on the Internet'. In: T3, 30. November 2006. Abgerufen am 25. Dezember 2006. 
  15. "Social Porn – It Had to Happen Eventually," TechCrunch.

4 Source

Der vorhergehende Text basiert überwiegend auf dem Artikel „en:Porn_2.0“ aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia in der Version vom December 4, 2010 (Permanentlink) und steht unter der Creative-Commons-Lizenz „Namensnennung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0“. In der Wikipedia ist eine Liste der Autoren verfügbar.

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