The Stroke (Billy Squier-Lied)
The Stroke ist ein Song des US-amerikanischen Rockmusikers Billy Squier aus dem Jahr 1981.
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1 Details
- Der Musikvidoesender VH1 führt ihn in ihrer Liste der 100 besten Hardrocksongs aller Zeiten auf Platz 59. [1]
2 Musik
3 Text
4 Video
5 Links und Quellen
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5.2.2 Videos
- [ Der Song auf Youtube]
Songs Ace of Spades (Song von Motörhead) | Breaking the Law (Song von Judas Priest) | Photograph (Song von Def Leppard) | Run to the Hills (Song von Iron Maiden) | Dr. Feelgood (Song von Mötley Crüe) | Rock and Roll All Nite (Song von Kiss) | I Wanna Rock (Song von Twisted Sister) | Tom Sawyer (Song von Rush) | You Give Love a Bad Name (Song von Bon Jovi) | Crazy Train (Song von Ozzy Osbourne) | Still of the Night (Song von Whitesnake) | Bad Reputation (Song von Joan Jett) | Even Flow (Song von Pearl Jam) | Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (Song von AC/DC) | Barracuda (Song von Heart) | Hot for Teacher (Song von Van Halen) | Stone Cold Crazy (Song von Queen) | More Than a Feeling (Song von Boston) | Talk Dirty to Me (Song von Poison) | Cum on Feel the Noize (Song von Quiet Riot) | Should I Stay or Should I Go (Song von The Clash) | Holy Diver (Song von Dio) | Slow Ride (Song von Foghat) | Madhouse (Song von Anthrax) | Since You Been Gone (Russ Ballard) | Bawitdaba (Song von Kid Rock) | Freak on a Leash (Song von Korn) | Search and Destroy (Song von The Stooges) | Peace Sells (Megadeth) | Cherry Bomb (Song von The Runaway) | Epic (Song von Faith No More) | (Don't Fear) The Reaper (Song von Blue Öyster Cult) | Cherry Pie (Song von Warrant) | Interstate Love Song (Song der Stone Temple Pilots) | The Stroke (Song von Billy Squier) | 18 and Life (Song von Skid Row) | Round and Round (Song von Ratt) | Breaking the Chains (Song von Dokken) | Liar (Song der Rollins Band) | Kick Out the Jams (Song von MC5) | Tush (Song von ZZ Top) | More Human than Human (Song von White Zombie) | Cult of Personality (Song von Living Colour) | Hot Blooded (Song von Foreigner) | Mountain Song (Song von Jane's Addiction) | Heartbreaker (Song von Pat Benatar) | Jailbreak (Song von Thin Lizzy) | Love Removal Machine (Song von The Cult) | Seven Nation Army (Song von The White Stripes) | Kiss Me Deadly (Song von Lita Ford) | Black Hole Sun (Song von Soundgarden) | Feel Like Makin' Love (Song von Bad Company) | Rebel Yell (Song von Billy Idol) | Any Way You Want It (Song von Journey) | Heaven and Hell (Song von Black Sabbath) | Bring Me to Life (Song von Evanescence) | I Wanna Be Somebody (Song von W.A.S.P.) | Slither (Song von Velvet Revolver) | The Beautiful People (Song von Marilyn Manson) | Seventeen (Song von Winger) | Would? (Song von Alice in Chains) | Party Hard (Song von Andrew W.K.) | Aqualung (Song von Jethro Tull) |
5.4 Quellen
5.5 Literatur
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6 Andere Lexika
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