Permaculture: A Rhymer’s Manual

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Das Album Permaculture: A Rhymer’s Manual ist das Debütalbum der australischen Band Formidable Vegetable Sound System und zugleich soetwas wie eine Anleitung für die Permakultur. Die Prinzipien der Permakultur sind der Titelliste mit der Nummer zugeordnet.

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1 Titelliste

  1. Look Around 03:49
  2. Energy 04:28
  3. Yield 03:34
  4. Limits 04:57
  5. Oil 03:11
  6. No Such Thing as Waste 03:17
  7. Patterns 03:40
  8. Get Together 04:15
  9. Small & Slow 03:51
  10. Many Many 03:31
  11. The Edge 04:17
  12. Change 03:56

2 Prinzipien der Permakultur

  1. Observe and Interact - Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The beginning of the design process.
  2. Catch and Store energy - make hay while the sun shines ...and don't forget to pass it round!
  3. Obtain a Yield - You can't run on an empty tank. Don't forget to look after yourself as well as your friends and the planet!
  4. Apply Self-regulation and Accept Feedback - Learn from mistakes. Start listening to what the planet is telling us. We're getting more feedback than ever and it's time to wake up to it's limits!
  5. Use and value Renewable Resources and Services - Ride you bike! Sit under a tree to stay cool! Employ a chicken to cultivate your garden! Generate your own methane for gas power! Walk more! "Colonel Ominous Forecast" has more...
  6. Produce no Waste - In nature, there is no such thing as waste, only stuff in the wrong place! Heed this mantra and become a master of nutrient cycling!
  7. Design from Patterns to Details - Can't see the forest for the trees? Look to the bigger picture instead!
  8. Integrate rather than Segregate - Work in cooperation rather than competition. Hook up with someone. Befriend your neighbours. Companion plant. Get involved in the community!
  9. Use Small and Slow solutions - Slow and steady wins the race! Start weening yourself off the oil-fuelled caffeine/sugar-high of the last century and start working at a more natural pace. Good things take time.
  10. Use and value Diversity - Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Variety is the spice of life. Create polyculture rather than monoculture.
  11. Use Edges and value the Marginal - The 'fringes' of any system are often where the most interesting, innovative and productive things take place. If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space!
  12. Creatively use and respond to Change - Impermanence is the only thing on which we can truly rely. The best we can do is use it to our advantage by designing for change.

3 Weblinks

4 Andere Lexika

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