Diskussion:Tony Marcu

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Born Antoniu Marcu
April 14, 1973 (1973-04-14) (age 38)
Turda, Romania
Ethnicity Romanian Canadian, European
Height 6 ft 0 in (1.83 m)
Weight 170 lb (77 kg)
Spouse Gabriela Marcu

Tony Marcu (stage name Craig) (born Antoniu Marcu on April 14, 1973 in Turda, Romania) is a Romanian-Canadian pornographic actor, nude model, erotic masseur and entrepreneur in sex industry. Craig entered industry in 2011 after several years in sex industry as a co-op worker. His sexual orientation is bi (bisexual). He also worked in banking industry in Canada and Romania for large financial groups such as TD Canada Trust, Société Générale, Volksbank. In August 2011 Craig became international media front page for suing Government of Canada for a 100 million dollar claim on grounds of negligence for not issuing in a timely manner his police clearance certificate necessarily to incorporate an adult entertainment corporation to his native Romania, in 2010.

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1 Early life and career (1973-1996)

Antoniu Marcu was born on April 14, 1973 in Turda, Transylvania, Romania. The actor recalls his passion for nude modelling was nurtured by the environment where he grew up. In grade one he saw for the first time a porn magazine from Denmark and thought “when I grow up I want to be like those sexy guys, want to do that job”. It was a Color Climax Corporation magazine he had from his friends, back in the ‘80s, that sexually oriented him towards nude modelling career. Madonna, Canadian roots American star, also inspired him at that time. Later, his wife and male married bisexual friends inspired him towards sex industry career.

His childhood and teen years were a non inhibited sexually environment, full of vacations with family and friends to nude beaches of Romania. Pro-sex, pro nudity, human body, non inhibition, those were his childhood and teen years. Since childhood be was sexually attracted to both sexes. In high school won a male beauty award contest: “Mr. Bud” best male of year 1987. In 1996 graduated from Babes Bolyai University of Cluj, Romania, with excellent grades, holding a degree in business administration. BBU, Faculty of Economic Science and Business Administration. While a student Craig applied for the first time for a job as an adult film actor. Sent his resume to Color Climax. Was not selected for an interview. Later he moved to Canada from Romania as an independent permanent resident; few years after applied and was granted Canadian citizenship.

2 Hot era (2011- present)

In 2011 got his first adult film actor role as a paid actor in Toronto, in Great Canadian Male series, after several years of amateur work in film and nude photo modeling. Same year did nude modeling for David Lee Studio in Toronto and took acting training from Reelfacts Film Television Academy, Toronto. Provided expert sex advice on Jim Richards CFRB radio live shows in Toronto in 2011; one of the live shows he participated in was along with famous Canadian pornographic actor Alexandre Boisvert (Voodoo).

3 Roots

Myths, legends, mystery, but also documentary scientific evidence surrounds his family ancestry. Born from a rich Transylvanian ancestry, his ancestors were apparently rich German nobles, Austrian German migrants to Transylvania in the 19th century, country called Austro-Ungaria, at that time, with even older roots of Swiss Rumantsch, Chantun Grischun. Four-five generations back in time to his male family tree he finds an ancestor named Albert Marc, who lives in Transylvania, near Klausenburg, and has ties with Vienna. He is rich and seams German especially by his first name, being mentioned to an old family manuscript in Latin language found in his grand-grand parents’ attic, in Transylvania. Few years ago Craig inherited a valuable forest in Transylvania, from these ancestors. Alexander the Great himself, who was bisexual, rode towards that forest and land where rested drinking water from a spring. When leaving left a horseshoe trace, symbol of good fortune, near the water spring, visible today after almost two thousand years, according to one Craig’s family legend his grandma told him when he was a kid.

According to other historical sources, his ancestry goes back in time to ancient Romanian - Dacian - Thracian - Roman roots. His last name “Marcu” is derived from the ancient Dacian town name Marcodava (Markodaua) located in Transylvania, close to his place of birth ("dava" means fortress, town, city and god, in Dacian language) - an ancient Aryan language and people.

His godparents are Australians from Victoria state, however his religion-spirituality is new age.

Favourite colour: red

Children: yes

Gemstone: diamante

Sports: swimming, fitness, hockey, windsurfing, driving

4 Philanthropy

Craig donates in part his revenue to Accept Romania, a LGBT organization, for male bisexual programs and legalization of same sex marriage in this country.

He repeatedly, while media appearances, publicly asserted his bisexual sexual identity, most recent in November 2011, to a Romanian newspaper (Ziar 21), that asked him to send a message to youth of other sexual orientation than heterosexual. Craig’s message was: “Be yourself, don't be afaid, don't be ashamed, you are not alone, speak out".

5 Movies

Great Canadian Male adult film series, 2011.

6 Photo gallery

Craig in Toronto. Nude modeling photo shoot, 2011.

7 References

1. Male porn star sues government for $100M, Canadian Press, Sept 28, 2011

2. Man claims RCMP made him porn loser, Toronto Sun, Sept 27, 2011

3. Visele porno ale lui Tony din Turda, spulberate de poliţia călare din Canada. Evenimentul Zilei, Oct. 1, 2011

4. Un actor porno de origine română dă în judecată guvernul canadian. Cere 100 milioane de dolari daune. Antena 3 Bucharest TV station, Sept 28, 2011

5. Cum poti sa faci bani din sex? Interviu cu actorul porno Tony Marcu, alias Craig, Ziar 21, Nov 21 2011

6. Stiri USA diaspora, 2011, Hotnews

7. CFRB Canada radio shows at Jim Richards, 2011

8. Government ineptitude and a porn looser, Toronto life, Sept 29, 2011

9. Actorul porno turdean Tony Marcu, parasit de sotie. Turda News, Nov 22, 2011

10. Actorul porno roman Tony Marcu care a dat statul canadian in judecata are numai probleme sotia. Libertatea, 23 Nov 2011

11. Starul porno de origine romana Tony Marcu a dat in judecata guvernul canadian. Realitatea TV Bucharest TV station , Sept 2011

12. Un roman fost manager in banca a dat politia in judecata. Adevarul, 23 Sept 2011

13. Un actor porno de origine romana da in judecata guvernul canadian. Jurnalul National, Sept. 28, 2011.

14. Antena 1 Bucharest TV station, Sept 28 2011

15. Cancan, Sept 28 2011

8 External links

Craig's photo gallery

9 Source

Der vorhergehende Text basiert überwiegend auf dem Artikel „en:Tony_Marcu“ aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia in der Version vom December 13, 2011 (Permanentlink) und steht unter der Creative-Commons-Lizenz „Namensnennung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0“. In der Wikipedia ist eine Liste der Autoren verfügbar.

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