Diskussion:Marcia Battise

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Marcia Battise
Datei:Marcia Battise.jpg
Born June 3, 1976 (1976-06-03) (age 35)
Birmingham, West Midlands, England, UK
Nationality English
Occupation Actress, filmmaker, writer, director
Known for Dragon Age: Redemption

Marcia Battise (born June 3, 1976) is an English actress, filmmaker. She currently stars as Nyree in the web series Dragon Age: Redemption, set in the BioWare universe of Dragon Age. She will also appear in 100,000 Zombie Heads.

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1 Early life

Battise is of second generation West Indian origin; her mother is from the small island of St Kitts and Nevis, while her father hails from Barbados. Almost from the start of her career, even at a young age Battise displayed an edgy intensity that brought her to the attention of her mentors and peers; who then served to carve out a dedicated and thorough training path for Battise's craft. Battise's first mentor was a drama teacher by the name of Liz Light; founder of Stage 2 Youth Group, and is the sister of actor John Light and is a third cousin of the poet Laurie Lee and film director Jack Lee. Liz introduced her to the theatre, which then led Battise in the direction of Drama School training at the Mountview Theatre School in London.

2 Career

An early example of Battise's work was her portrayal of Sophocles' Electra for a drama school production. Her TV credits include roles as Tina in BBC's Dangerfield starring Nigel Havers, Charlie in Family Affairs starring Idris Elba and Valerie in ITV/Granada's In Defence.

Battise was also part of the five comedy actors used for the UK's hit reality TV Show Big Brother 3 mobile phone national and European wide network campaign, for the UK's biggest cell phone company O2 which was in association with 4Creative, a production company part of the UK's Channel 4 network back in 2002. She currently studies under Dale Reynolds – an American born Angelino (industry veteran) who has worked as an actor, casting director and historian. Dale also won a Emmy as a producer for the Emmy award winning Cris Franco Show.

Upon completing her BA Degree in Filmmaking, Battise wrote, directed and edited an autobiographical documentary based upon her childhood upbringing, and claims she was inspired by one of her favorite actors Gary Oldman who had wrote and directed Nil By Mouth, a film based on his own life.

3 Filmography

As an actor

  • Dragon Age: Redemption (2011)
  • Elegy (2011)
  • Territory (2012)
  • 100,000 Zombie Heads (2012)
  • Chances (2000)
  • Roofies (Raindance Festival trailer) (1998)

As Writer/Director & Editor

  • Tales of a Paedophile Kid (2009)
  • Do You Have A Condom? (2009)</big>

4 External links


5 Source

Der vorhergehende Text basiert überwiegend auf dem Artikel „en:Marcia_Battise“ aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia in der Version vom November 18, 2011 (Permanentlink) und steht unter der Creative-Commons-Lizenz „Namensnennung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0“. In der Wikipedia ist eine Liste der Autoren verfügbar.

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