Diskussion:Kayla Ferrel

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Kayla Ferrel
Born Kayla Ferrel
October 20, 1990 (1990-10-20) (age 20)
Rockford, Illinois, U.S.
Height 5 ft 9 in (1.75 m)
Hair color Blonde, Red, Brunette
Eye color Blue

Kayla Ferrel (born October 20, 1990) is an American fashion model, best known as the 3rd/4th runner-up of Cycle 15 of America's Next Top Model. Ferrel was considered a favorite finalist among judges and viewers, who praised her for her bubbly personality, strong "proud lesbian" lifestyle.

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1 Early life

Kayla Ferrel was born in Rockford, Illinois. At the age of 12 she was known to be a lesbian in her town.[1] At the age of 19 she joined the Cycle 15 cast of America's Next Top Model; she is the third out lesbian contestant featured on the show, following Cycle 5's Kim and Cycle 7's Megan. Ferrel's fans were shocked at her unexpected elimination near the end of the cycle.[2]

After her elimination, the fans and media are still asking the same question - "Where is Kayla Ferrel?".[3]

2 America's Next Top Model

In Cycle 15, Ferrel stood out in the competition as an out and proud lesbian who could take strong photos. During the judging panels after the first two photo shoots, she was called second, behind Ann Ward both times. In the 6th episode's photo shoot, Ferrel's shoes were too tight, leading Tyra to call her shoot and photo painful; as a result she fell into the bottom two and was saved (over contestant Kacey Leggett). On the 7th episode, Ferrel won the week's challenge; her prize was to be a "Grammy Girl" at the 53rd Annual Grammy Awards held in February 2011. In episode 8, the contestants were informed that they would be shooting a commercial that would include a kiss with a male model. Ferrel broke into tears as she was very uncomfortable kissing a male model due to her childhood sexual assault; she ultimately did not kiss the male model. In both episodes 9 and 10, Ferrel was the first contestant called at panel. Episode 11, which featured the final four girls, had the surprise of a double elimination. Despite having a strong portfolio, Ferrel was eliminated for her failure to master the angles of her face. Because of the double elimination Ferrel is considered to have placed 3rd in the competition, along with contestant Jane Randall, who was also eliminated during the double elimination.

It was announced on May 12, 2011 that Ferrel would join the cast of Cycle 17, which is known as ANTM All Stars. Cycle 17 will feature a cast of 14 returning contestants from various cycles of the shows [4].

3 References

  1. Interview with Kayla Ferrel. In: afterellen Post, November 19, 2010. Abgerufen am November 22, 2010. 
  2. Ponder, Stacie: A Shocking Elimination for Kayla Ferrel. In: The Fab Femme Post, November 17, 2010. Abgerufen am November 18, 2010. 
  3. Where are the models of ANTM now? - Kayla Ferrel. In: ANTM411 Wordpress Post, November 25, 2010. 
  4. Ward, Kate (12. Mai 2011). 'Top Model All-Stars' cast reported: Lisa D'Amato, Isis King in; Jade out. Entertainment Weekly. Abgerufen am 15. Mai 2011.

4 External links


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