Where the Boys Aren’t
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Where The Boys Aren’t ist eine mittlerweile traditionsreiche Pornofilmreihe aus dem Hause Vivid. Sie zeigt ausschließlich Frauen beim Sex. Begonnen im Jahr 1990 erschien 2007 Film Nr. 19. 1990 bekam der erste Film aus dieser Reihe einen AVN Award in der Kategorie Best All-Girl Feature.
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1 Trivia
In Film Nr. 1 hat der damals gut beschäftigte Pornodarsteller Joey Silvera noch eine kleine Gastrolle. Danach wird die Serie ganz männerfrei oder ein Nachbar schüttelt kurz mal den Kopf über das lose Treiben der Damen.
2 Besetzung
- Where the Boys Aren’t (1990): April West, Barbara Dare, Summer Rose, Joey Silvera, Tori Welles - Awards: AVN Award - Best All-Girl Feature
- Where the Boys Aren’t 2 (1990): Jamie Summers, Barbara Dare, Deidre Holland, Cheri Taylor, Kelly Royce
- Where the Boys Aren’t 3 (1990): Tori Welles, Heather Hunter, Jamie Summers, Cheri Taylor, Kelly Royce
- Where the Boys Aren’t 4 (1995): Savannah, Jamie Summers, Francesca Le, Kym Wilde, Candy
- Where the Boys Aren’t 5 (1995): Christy Canyon, Racquel Darrian, Francesca Le, Kym Wilde
- Where the Boys Aren’t 6 (1995): Julia Ann, Christy Canyon, Sindee Coxx, Jeanna Fine, Sarah Jane Hamilton, Janine Lindemulder, Amber Lynn
- Where the Boys Aren’t 7 (1997): Christy Canyon, Janine Lindemulder, Julia Ann, Dyanna Lauren, Asia Carrera
- Where the Boys Aren’t 8 (1997): Alexis Christian, Beverly Hotsprings, Jenteal, Dyanna Lauren, Janine Lindemulder, Nikki Tyler
- Where the Boys Aren’t 9 (1997): Christy Canyon, Alexis Christian, Chasey Lain, Jenteal, Dyanna Lauren, Janine Lindemulder, Nikki Tyler
- Where the Boys Aren’t 10 (1998): Janine Lindemulder, Heather Hunter, Dyanna Lauren, Tia Bella, Leslie Glass, Jenteal, Kobe Tai, Lexus Locklear
- Where the Boys Aren’t 11 (1999): Janine Lindemulder, Heather Hunter, Dyanna Lauren, Tia Bella, Leslie Glass, Jenteal, Kobe Tai
- Where the Boys Aren’t 12 (2000): Alex Taylor, Janine Lindemulder, Raylene, Devon, Jenteal, Sky Lopez, Taylor Hayes, Julia Ann, Kobe Tai, Devin Deray
- Where the Boys Aren’t 13 (2000): Alex Taylor, Janine Lindemulder, Raylene, Devon, Jenteal, Sky Lopez, Taylor Hayes, Julia Ann, Kobe Tai
- Where the Boys Aren’t 14 (2001): Paizley Adams, Briana Banks, Dasha, Taylor Hayes, Jenna Jameson, Kira Kener, Dayton Rains, Raylene, Cheyenne Silver, Chelsea Sinclaire
- Where the Boys Aren’t 15 (2001): Jenna Jameson, Cheyenne Silver, Raylene, Dayton Rains, Dasha, Kira Kener, Briana Banks, Taylor Hayes, Chelsea Sinclaire, Cassidy
- Where the Boys Aren’t 16: Dark Angels (2003): Jenna Jameson, Briana Banks, Sunrise Adams, Nina Mercedez, Savanna Samson, Kira Kener, Dasha, Tiffany Mason, Chloe Jones
- Where the Boys Aren’t 17 (2003): Jenna Jameson, Briana Banks, Sunrise Adams, Nina Mercedez, Savanna Samson, Kira Kener, Dasha, Tiffany Mason, Chloe Jones
- Where the Boys Aren’t 18 (2007): Monique Alexander, Briana Banks, Lanny Barbie, Lacey Love, Lyndsey Love, Lexi Marie, Nina Mercedez, Stefani Morgan, Tera Patrick, Tawny Roberts, Savanna Samson
- Where the Boys Aren’t 19 Arabian Nights (2007): Monique Alexander, Briana Banks, Lanny Barbie, Lacey Love, Lyndsey Love, Lexi Marie, Nina Mercedez, Stefani Morgan, Tera Patrick, Tawny Roberts, Savanna Samson
3 Weblinks
4 Vorstellung der Reihe in der IAFD
- Where the Boys Aren't 1
- Where the Boys Aren't 2
- Where the Boys Aren't 3
- Where the Boys Aren't 4
- Where the Boys Aren't 5
- Where the Boys Aren't 6
- Where the Boys Aren't 7
- Where the Boys Aren't 8
- Where the Boys Aren't 9
- Where the Boys Aren't 10
- Where the Boys Aren't 11
- Where the Boys Aren't 12
- Where the Boys Aren't 13
- Where the Boys Aren't 14
- Where the Boys Aren't 15
- Where the Boys Aren't 16
- Where the Boys Aren't 17
- Where the Boys Aren't 18
- Where the Boys Aren't 19
5 Vorstellung der Reihe in der IMDb
- Where the Boys Aren't 1
- Where the Boys Aren't 2
- Where the Boys Aren't 3
- Where the Boys Aren't 4
- Where the Boys Aren't 5
- Where the Boys Aren't 6
- Where the Boys Aren't 7
- Where the Boys Aren't 8
- Where the Boys Aren't 9
- Where the Boys Aren't 10
- Where the Boys Aren't 11
- Where the Boys Aren't 12
- Where the Boys Aren't 13
- Where the Boys Aren't 14
- Where the Boys Aren't 15
- Where the Boys Aren't 16
- Where the Boys Aren't 17
- Where the Boys Aren't 18
- Where the Boys Aren't 19
6 Wikpedia
- Wikipedia:fr:Where the Boys Aren't (hält sich wacker)
- Wikipedia:de:Where The Boys Aren’t (Ein gleichnamiger deutscher Artikel wurde gelöscht)
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