Vorlage:Internationalization template doc

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1 Bei Übersetzungen

  • {{en|English translation}}
  • {{en|1=English translation with links}}
  • {{en|English translation|inline=yes}}
English: internationalization template doc translation
English: internationalization template doc translation with links
English: internationalization template doc translation

2 Documentation

The above is what this template creates if the name of this page was Template:En. When transcluded, {{PAGENAME}} is used to generate the name of the language either by using Nein or a language specific template like the English one {{language}}. It's a quick way to add documentation to [[Category:internationalization templates]], specifically the language ones like {{es}} and {{de}} that use {{description}}. If a translation exists in the local language, this will be placed before the English version. See {{fr}} for an example.

Only the English and the local language's documentation (if exists) show up default. Up to 8 other translations can be added (these will be in the order specified underneath the local and English translations. For example: {{internationalization template doc|de|es|fr|ja|...}}

Add the following immediately after the template; do not start a new line:

<noinclude>{{internationalization template doc}}</noinclude>

This will also categorize the template into Category:Language templates and Category:Commons-ISO_code if it exists. The latter can be changed or removed using localcat= followed by one or more completely linked category, sortkey included, such as:

<noinclude>{{internationalization template doc|localcat=[[Kategorie:Foo|{{PAGENAME}}]][[Kategorie:Bar|{{PAGENAME}}]]}}</noinclude>

3 Adding translations

There's not much to translate here. Just copy and paste the following, translate the English parts, and save. It will create a template loop, but that's ok since they'll work right when called by this template (they shouldn't be used or viewed directly). There's no /lang page to edit. The 'inline' must stay the same, the "yes" can be whatever.

== Usage ==
* <nowiki>{{</nowiki>{{lc:{{PAGENAME}}}}|''{{#language:{{lc:{{PAGENAME}}}}}} translation''}}
* <nowiki>{{</nowiki>{{lc:{{PAGENAME}}}}|''{{#language:{{lc:{{PAGENAME}}}}}} translation''|inline=yes}}

Result: {{{{lc:{{PAGENAME}}}}|{{#language:{{lc:{{PAGENAME}}}}}} translation}} or {{{{lc:{{PAGENAME}}}}|{{#language:{{lc:{{PAGENAME}}}}}} translation|inline=yes}}.


[[Kategorie:Template documentation|{{PAGENAME}}]]
Current translation subpages:
  • Internationalization template doc/de
  • Internationalization template doc/es
  • Internationalization template doc/he
  • 4 See also


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