Vorlage:Information Commons

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Please give full information for the date, source and author fields. The date of a photograph must be when the original photograph was created, and not the date of upload, nor the date of any scan or other derivative action. If the photographic image has been modified please give author, date and license for each modification. Please use template {{Artwork}} if the image is of a painting, sculpture or other artwork and Book if the image is a part of a complete set of page scans of a book (or in the case of DjVu and PDF, one file may comprise all the page).

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1 Usage


1.1 Parameters

Parameter name Description Default value required or optional?

description Description of the image or other media file. Content of the description should provide brief (if possible) but complete information about the image. It should:
  • Identify subject like notable people (use {{Depicted person}} template), animals, objects, cars, weapons, etc.
  • Identify location (if relevant) by text, like: city, country, building name or address, etc.
  • Note that location coordinates are not directly included as separate field in the "Information" template. Template {{location}} (for camera location and heading, preferred) and/or {{object location}} (for the depicted objects) should be used. Template {{location}} should be placed directly above or below {{Information}}.
    Note: some users prefer to include location template(s) into the „Description“ field of {{Information}} template in order to group all location information together – this solution is fully serviceable but objections are in point of graphic design not ideal adjusted for such use. See this and this discussion.
  • In general description should provide information to support all subject categories of the file.
  • In case of group pictures or other images where image details might warrant separate description please use image annotations, but remember that those annotations might not be visible on Wikipedias which did not adopt the gadget to display them.

Description format should use:

  • Multilingual templates like {{en}} or {{de}} to specify the language of the description.
empty required
date Date of creation, when the original source (such as photograph of 3-D scene, digital file, or original 2-D artwork) was created. Possible formats:
  • ISO 8601 is the preferred format, e.g. "2006-01-15" for "15 January 2006". Dates following this format are processed by {{ISOdate}}. The following formats are recognized:
    • YYYY
    • YYYY-MM
    • YYYY-MM-DD
    • YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm
    • YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
  • Use {{other date}} for less precise dates, like: circa..., after..., spring of..., between..., etc.
  • It is possible to use {{date}} template. For example "date=2008-06-09" is equivalent to "date={{date|2008|6|9}}", but ISO 8601 format is preferred.

In many cases multiple dates and/or extra explanations are required:

  • For photos, we have special templates {{Taken on}} and {{Taken in}} to indicate when the photograph was taken and to distinguish it from the creation date of the depicted work or from the creation date of the derivative work (modified or cropped photo, collage etc.). Those templates use ISO format (e. g. {{Taken on|YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm}} or {{Taken in|YYYY}}).
  • If date is missing but digital file has EXIF data then {{According to EXIF data}} template can be added (usually done by a bot). The templates use ISO format (e. g. {{According to EXIF data|YYYY-MM-DD}}).
  • If the creation date of a file moved from other project is unknown, {{Original upload date}} can be used — this template should be also used (in addition) if the first publication date (outside Commons) is relevant in relation to copyright. This template also uses the ISO format.
  • If the creation date of a file (not moved from other project) is unknown, {{Upload date}} can be used. This template also use the ISO format.
  • If the file is a modified or derivative work, both date of the original (source) work and date of the last version (derivative work) should be stated with appropriate comments or notes.
  • If the date has to be furnished with some specifying text, not covered by one of the above templates, (e. g. "date of creation", "date of the first publication", "date of modification" etc.) then dates have to be specified using {{ISOdate}} (i.e. {{ISOdate|2009-08-18}} (date of creation))) or {{date}} (i.e. {{date|2008|6|9}} (date of modification)) templates.
  • If the file is not a simple copy of the depicted work, the date or year of the creation of the depicted work should be stated rather in the "description" field
empty required
source Information about where the file is from (own files should be tagged with {{own}}); if the file is based on other files then the original files should be also uploaded (if possible) and referenced. Possible content:
  • {{own}} for works uploaded by the author.
  • URL where the file was found on the web.
  • {{Derived from}} when it is derived from other files.
  • Book reference (using {{scan}} and {{Cite book}} templates) for images scanned from a book. If image was scanned by the uploader that should be mentioned too.
empty required
author Original author of the file; where appropriate, use {{Creator:Name Surname}}. If the work is derived from or depicts works by someone other than the author, the author of the original work should also be mentioned. For example, for a photograph of a sculpture, make a mention of both the sculptor and the photographer. This field should not be used to specify the scanner, finder or uploader of the image; they are not the author. empty required
permission License and other usage limitations and warnings. Due to the size of many license templates they are often placed in a separate section below {{information}} template. In such a case please leave this field blank.

The license is related primarily to the file itself. If need to state a license of the depicted (or other source) work, include it additionally with appropriate comment. If needed, use relevant. You can use {{Artwork}} instead of {{Information}} for simple copies of artworks.

empty optional
other_versions Links to files with very similar content or derived files; use thumbnails or Gallery tags <gallery> </gallery>.

{{F}} enables to show also small icons of these files.
If appropriate, {{Derivative versions}} is useful.

empty optional
other_fields Additional table fields added on the bottom of the template. You have to use {{Information field}} or similar template ({{Credit line}}, ...) to populate this field. empty optional

1.2 Additional information

The template is intended to be used in the following namespaces: the File namespace

The template is intended to be used by the following user groups: all users

Relies on:

1.3 Example other_fields

{{Information Commons
| Description  = Description
| Source       = {{own}}
| Author       = John Doe
| Date         = 09.06.2008
| Other_fields = {{Credit line |Author = © John Doe | Other = PlusPedia |License = CC-BY-3.0 & GFDL}}

will produce:



Datum 09.06.2008
Quelle Eigene Quelle bzw. eigenes Werk
Urheber John Doe
(required by the license)
© John Doe / PlusPedia / CC-BY-3.0 & GFDL

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