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Der Schlaganfall (auch Hirnschlag, fachlich Apoplex) ist ein Infarkt im Gehirn. Ursache kann eine Verstopfung einer Arterie oder Vene sein; dabei stirbt Gewebe ab wegen fehlender Durchblutung. In diesem Zusammenhang oder auch aus anderen Gründen können Arterien und Venen im Gehirn platzen, so dass Blut ausfließt. Infolgedessen kommt es - insbesondere wenn diese Vorgänge nicht rechtzeitig erkannt werden - zur weitreichenden Schädigung von Gehirngewebe, was wiederum die Funktionen weiterer Teile des Körpers stark beeinträchtigen oder sogar zum Tode führen kann.

Symptome für einen Schlaganfall sind vor allem schlagartige Lähmung einer Körperhälfte, Seh- und Sprachstörungen, Kopfschmerzen, Verwirrtheit oder sogar Bewusstlosigkeit.

Als Vorsorge gegen den Hirnschlag empfiehlt sich eine gesunde Lebensweise mit genug Bewegung, fettarmem Essen (z.B. wenig oder kein Fleisch), Nichtrauchen und wenig Alkohol sowie so wenig Stress wie möglich.

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  • H.P. Legal/A. Zeller: Lexikon der Selbstdiagnose

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3 Bibliographie

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  116. Debunking 7 myths that hamper the realization of randomized controlled trials on intra-arterial thrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke. Stroke 38(7):2191-5 (2007) PMID 17540973
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  123. Guidelines for the early management of adults with ischemic stroke: a guideline from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association Stroke Council, Clinical Cardiology Council, Cardiovascular Radiology and Intervention Council, and the Atherosclerotic Peripheral Vascular Disease and Quality of Care Outcomes in Research Interdisciplinary Working Groups: the American Academy of Neurology affirms the value of this guideline as an educational tool for neurologists. Stroke 38(5):1655-711 (2007) PMID 17431204
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  125. The impact of recanalization on ischemic stroke outcome: a meta-analysis. Stroke 38(3):967-73 (2007) PMID 17272772
  126. Intensive statin therapy after stroke or transient ischemic attack: a SPARCLing success? Stroke 38(3):1110-2 (2007) PMID 17272769
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  133. Primary prevention of ischemic stroke: a guideline from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association Stroke Council: cosponsored by the Atherosclerotic Peripheral Vascular Disease Interdisciplinary Working Group; Cardiovascular Nursing Council; Clinical Cardiology Council; Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism Council; and the Quality of Care and Outcomes Research Interdisciplinary Working Group: the American Academy of Neurology affirms the value of this guideline. Stroke 37(6):1583-633 (2006) PMID 16675728
  134. Cerebral blood flow threshold of ischemic penumbra and infarct core in acute ischemic stroke: a systematic review. Stroke 37(5):1334-9 (2006) PMID 16574919
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  143. Predictors of depression after stroke: a systematic review of observational studies. Stroke 36(10):2296-301 (2005) PMID 16179565
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  145. Frequency of depression after stroke: a systematic review of observational studies. Stroke 36(6):1330-40 (2005) PMID 15879342
  146. Management of depression after stroke: a systematic review of pharmacological therapies. Stroke 36(5):1098-103 (2005) PMID 15802637
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  148. Are lacunar strokes really different? A systematic review of differences in risk factor profiles between lacunar and nonlacunar infarcts. Stroke 36(4):891-901 (2005) PMID 15761206
  149. The pathophysiology of watershed infarction in internal carotid artery disease: review of cerebral perfusion studies. Stroke 36(3):567-77 (2005) PMID 15692123
  150. Magnetic resonance imaging criteria for thrombolysis in acute cerebral infarct. Stroke 36(2):388-97 (2005) PMID 15618445
  151. Anteromedian, central, and posterolateral infarcts of the thalamus: three variant types. Stroke 35(12):2826-31 (2004) PMID 15514194
  152. Molecular identification of the ischemic penumbra. Stroke 35(11 Suppl 1):2666-70 (2004) PMID 15486332
  153. Mechanisms of hemorrhagic transformation after tissue plasminogen activator reperfusion therapy for ischemic stroke. Stroke 35(11 Suppl 1):2726-30 (2004) PMID 15459442
  154. Findings from the reanalysis of the NINDS tissue plasminogen activator for acute ischemic stroke treatment trial. Stroke 35(10):2418-24 (2004) PMID 15345796
  155. Statin therapy after acute ischemic stroke in the heart protection study: is the role in recurrent stroke prevention now defined? Stroke 35(9):2233-4 (2004) PMID 15272131
  156. Seizures and epilepsy after ischemic stroke. Stroke 35(7):1769-75 (2004) PMID 15166395
  157. Lesion location and poststroke depression: systematic review of the methodological limitations in the literature. Stroke 35(3):794-802 (2004) PMID 14963278
  158. Hyperglycemia in acute stroke. Stroke 35(2):363-4 (2004) PMID 14757880
  159. Head computed tomography findings predict short-term stroke risk after transient ischemic attack. Stroke 34(12):2894-8 (2003) PMID 14615614
  160. Acute ischemic cerebrovascular syndrome: diagnostic criteria. Stroke 34(12):2995-8 (2003) PMID 14605325
  161. Beyond mismatch: evolving paradigms in imaging the ischemic penumbra with multimodal magnetic resonance imaging. Stroke 34(11):2729-35 (2003) PMID 14576370
  162. Measurement of the ischemic penumbra with MRI: it's about time. Stroke 34(10):2533-4 (2003) PMID 12970511
  163. Best measure of ischemic penumbra: positron emission tomography. Stroke 34(10):2534-5 (2003) PMID 12970510
  164. Coronary risk evaluation in patients with transient ischemic attack and ischemic stroke: a scientific statement for healthcare professionals from the Stroke Council and the Council on Clinical Cardiology of the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Stroke 34(9):2310-22 (2003) PMID 12958318
  165. Hyperglycemia and early reperfusion therapy. Stroke 34(5):1235-41 (2003) PMID 12733513
  166. Early assessments of dysphagia and aspiration risk in acute stroke patients. Stroke 34(5):1252-7 (2003) PMID 12677020
  167. Guidelines and recommendations for perfusion imaging in cerebral ischemia: A scientific statement for healthcare professionals by the writing group on perfusion imaging, from the Council on Cardiovascular Radiology of the American Heart Association. Stroke 34(4):1084-104 (2003) PMID 12677088
  168. Guidelines for the early management of patients with ischemic stroke: A scientific statement from the Stroke Council of the American Stroke Association. Stroke 34(4):1056-83 (2003) PMID 12677087
  169. Mesencephalic and associated posterior circulation infarcts. Stroke 33(9):2224-31 (2002) PMID 12215591
  170. Toward wisdom from failure: lessons from neuroprotective stroke trials and new therapeutic directions. Stroke 33(8):2123-36 (2002) PMID 12154275
  171. Considering the role of heparin and low-molecular-weight heparins in acute ischemic stroke. Stroke 33(7):1927-33 (2002) PMID 12105378
  172. Low-molecular-weight heparins or heparinoids versus standard unfractionated heparin for acute ischemic stroke (Cochrane review). Stroke 33(7):1925-6 (2002) PMID 12105377
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