Diskussion:Ruby Day

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Ruby Day is an American artist, model, adult performer and producer.

Ruby Day (birthday: March 18) was born in Kansas City, Missouri, and lived there in her early years. She studied at Baker University, Baldwin City, Kansas, 1996-2000, and received a BA in International Business, Economics/Finance, Marketing, Mass Communications/PR, minors in Art and French in 2000. Day then worked as a business analyst in telecommunications at Sprint Telecom and for higher education dealing with federal grant money for a sign language interpreter-training department at Johnson County Community College. Day worked as a free agent in the music industry till 2006, managing and producing independent music bands. At that time she played the cello for five years in several orchestras and began developing her photographic skills.

Day moved to Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, in 2003. There she began dancing as an entertainer in gentleman’s clubs in 2004 till present. Since 2007 she runs her own adult production company as a creative performer, director, and producer. She is also a featured model on many websites and publications. Currently, she is working and living in Austin, Texas

Day lives in a polyamory relationship with her husband Damien Alvie. The polyamorous and fetish lifestyles are creative inspirations for her personal life and professional work.

Ruby Day is noted for her professional erotic photography projects which began in 2005. Most of her photographic work is seemingly aimed at the desires of a male audience, but is actually an expression of her own sexual fantasies. Her works are influenced by Robert Kern, Tony Ward, Andrew Blake, and Terry Richardson and reach from elaborate glamour shots to outdoor naturist scenes. Day consistently works with fellow and professional photographers such as Mark Guerra, Greg W., and Damien Alvie.

Day also works with video. Her video work is a documentary motivated on capturing human sexuality in non-traditional relationships and the lifestyle that comes with being a morally and ethically responsible nymphomaniac. Other, non-documentary videos exhibit the expression of self-sexuality, recreation/living of fantasies, and/or expression of human sexual behavior.

In 2010, Day received the Fifth Annual Good For Her Feminist Porn Award in the “Hottest Website” Category.

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1 Media Appearances

Ruby Day was featured in a variety of adult publications[1][2][3][4][5][6] and broadcasts[7], including cover and centerfold model for TAG magazine[8][9], centerfold model for Hustler Magazine[10][11], featured model for AVN and AVN Online magazines[12][13], and other performances[14][15][16].

2 Awards and nominations

3 External links

4 References

  1. body-rockin.com
  2. RetroKitten
  3. SmutLife.com
  4. Spike.com
  5. TonyBatman.com
  6. Spring 2006 - Garden Burger - National Magazine Ad Model
  7. Radio Interview at Striptaculous.com Part 1, Part 2
  8. December 2005 - TAG Magazine Best of Year issue
  9. January 2005 - TAG Magazine – Cover and Centerfold Model
  10. Winter 2008 – Special Edition Hustler's Girls of Myspace #2 (pictorial feature)
  11. June 2008 - Hustler Magazine, Girls of Myspace (pictorial feature)
  12. April 2008 - AVN Online Magazine Cyber Siren
  13. Fresh Off the Bus
  14. 2006 - Southern Charms 3 - Model
  15. June 2005 - OMP Showcase Model
  16. 2005 Playboy Girls of Golf Spokes Model

Quelle: Entnommen 1:1 aus der Wikipedia - (Autoren) {{DEFAULTSORT:Day, Ruby}} [[Category:American female adult models]] [[Category:American performance artists]]

5 Source

Der vorhergehende Text basiert überwiegend auf dem Artikel „en:Ruby_Day“ aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia in der Version vom 18 November 2010 (Permanentlink) und steht unter der Creative-Commons-Lizenz „Namensnennung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0“. In der Wikipedia ist eine Liste der Autoren verfügbar.

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