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O-Pearl (also known as OPearl and O'Pearl) is an erotic actress who specializes in extreme practices. While she has some tattoos, she is better known for the extent and size of her many piercings. She pushes the limit on how large piercings can be and how much weight you can hang from a piercing without tearing it out.[1]

Her many videos, most only available in Europe, document her unique practices. In addition, she also demonstrates how you can stretch the body cavities to accommodate extremely large objects, such as dildos. These videos set her apart from the many other sex-related actresses. She is currently a performer noted within the Creative Art Collection[2].

Her work focuses on the fetish of tattoos, piercings, corset and latex clothing, weight suspension, fisting, and extreme insertions (both vaginally and anally); O-Pearl is known as "The Queen of Body Jewellery" and can also be compared to the main character "O" from the popular erotica novel, written by Pauline Reage titled, "The Story of O. It appears that O-Pearl (like "O") is a willing submissive/slave of Lady Madeline (the owner and proprietor of both Creative Art Collection and her own franchise).

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1 Tattoos and body jewellery

Sporting two large nipple piercings, O-Pearl's areola are tattooed to enhance the appearance of her large breasts along with a tattoo of a Black Widow spider tattooed on her right breast. She also has six large gauge labia piercings that are used to support the weights that she suspends from her vulva in the various movie scenes in which she is featured. She also has a tattoo (seemingly a self portrait or possibly a portrait of Lady Madeline) on her bikini line above her vulva; another tattoo of a scorpion is tattooed above her left ankle. O-Pearl also has tattoos on both shoulders and both cheeks of her behind.

2 References

  1. O'Pearl
  2. http://www.creativeartcollection.com/

3 External links

4 Quellenangabe

Der vorhergehende Text basiert überwiegend auf dem Artikel „En:O-Pearl“ aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia in der Version vom 9. Dez. 2009 (Permanentlink) und steht unter der Creative-Commons-Lizenz „Namensnennung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0“. In der Wikipedia ist eine Liste der Autoren verfügbar.

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