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Page from
Nightevil art by Joseph Canave
Publication information
Publisher Night Phoenix Press
First appearance Epitaph: Beginning of the End #0
Created by Nathyn Brendan Masters
In-story information
Alter ego Atraria Algol
Species Nephilim
Team affiliations Sisterhood of Lilith, Rise of Magic, Vampire Alliance 2.0.
Notable aliases Mother Priestess
Abilities superhuman strength, magic adept, minor telekinesis, magic bombs, spell casting, demonology, stone reading, stone reading, magic bomb creation

Nightevil is a fictional character created by Wikipedia:Nathyn Brendan Masters for the Night Phoenix Press comic book Wikipedia:Epitaph (Comic Book Series).

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1 Creation History

Nightevil was a character created and used during various Wikipedia:role playing games. She was an NPC who would give characters information while at the same time discouraging them. She was part human and part demon, characterized as aloof and emotionless, more of a spectator, but not particularly evil. While she had great power she wouldn't use them unless pushed. She fancied herself a balance keeper and made no moral judgments as much as simply reacted to situations. She was a demonologist who was going insane because of her use of the dark magic.

1.1 Chraracter Revamp

In 2008 Masters conceived of a comic book series based around the concept of media domination and the idea that people were trying to control the public through the media. The idea grew into Wikipedia:Epitaph (Comic Book Series). One of the major cults was Wikipedia:Sisterhood of Lilith. Masters re-imagined the character as a more sophisticated cult leader who ran the Lilith based cult. She is portrayed as decisive and the exact opposite as she was when she was first created. She is very smart and tactical. She's also patient enough to allow long term plans to work.

2 Character Background

2.1 Childhood and Upbringing

Nightevil was born Atraria Algol, to Diana Helen Algol, a powerful magic user and demonist. Seeking power and control Diana made a deal to allow a demon named "Trig" (earthly pronunciation) to posses her husband and allow him to mate with her. She became pregnant and gained incredible power. Her husband, also a magic user discovered what she had done and became enraged. They got into a struggle. Diana lit him aflame with a with a fire spell and he used his telekinesis to try to explode her heart before she could harm him. Both died at the others hand. Atratria was taken in and raised by a Lilith worshiper named Blue, who also raised Wikipedia:Damious Drake.[1]

2.2 Modern Interpretations

The character is shown as very attractive and is both feared and loved. She is seen having the ability to punish people for getting out of line or doing anything that brings attention to their secret society (though what those punishments may be are never mentioned), while at the same time she seems be a friend to certain people like Damious.

It's also hinted at that she is bi-sexual. It's stated that she had a "relationship" with a female character named Hanover [1], but on an advertised cover is seen draped over her coven brethren Damious in a way that implies attraction. She's seen as the officiate over his wedding in Epitaph: Beginning of the End #0 as well and in the original 2008 version of "Abiding Lilith" called "#Alpha" in which she also marries him. But Abiding Lilith #Alpha, which gained notoriety for it's showcasing futuristic Wikipedia:Apple Computers with Holographic Screens [2], was pulled from the online store.
(In the Wikipedia:Night Phoenix Press future Apple became a company called "Apple Omni-Tek". The designs were inspired by the computers in movie Minority Report).

3 Film Portrayals

Nightevil is portrayed in the film Wikipedia:Epitaph: Bread and Salt by actress Anita Nicole Brown.

  1. 1,0 1,1 Epitaph: Beginning of the End #0
  2. http://stuff.techwhack.com/2893-apple-computers

4 Source

Der vorhergehende Text basiert überwiegend auf dem Artikel „en:Nightevil“ aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia in der Version vom 5 November 2010 (Permanentlink) und steht unter der Creative-Commons-Lizenz „Namensnennung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0“. In der Wikipedia ist eine Liste der Autoren verfügbar.

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