Diskussion:Keyontyli Goffney
Keyontyli Goffney (born April 8, 1982) is an American fashion model who has also appeared in gay pornographic magazines, websites, and films. Goffney became known in the national media when he and his twin brother, Taleon, who appeared together with Keyontyli in several pornographic productions, were arrested for burglary in February, 2008.
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1 Career as a Fashion Model
A graduate of the Barbizon School of Modeling,[1] Goffney has modeled for a wide range of fashion shows and media.[2] He has appeared in advertisements for Boiish Swimwear, Bulldog Gin, Coogi Clothing, the Eye Corporation, McDagger Clothing, and the Ummah Endowment Fund (now renamed Al-Sura.org), among others. His portfolio includes work for gay lifestyle magazines such as Clik[3] and Next,[4] as well as some minor acting roles.
2 Porn Career
Keyontyli Goffney’s career in porn started around 2003, when the Flava Works website Cocoboyz.com showed him in three series of solo images under the name of “Chique.” The Flava Works video Dorm Life 4 then included a scene in which Goffney performed with other models. A year later, Keyontyli started appearing in erotic scenes with his identical twin brother Taleon; the first of these came out on Blackmen.net. The same website also carried a video in which “Keyon and Teyon” enacted a sexual encounter with the well-established black porn star Marc Williams. The Philadelphia Daily News described the video in the following terms:
In “Marc and the Twins,” which was distributed only online, the Goffneys are hanging out on the Las Vegas strip when they offer to audition for “Marc,” a chiseled black porn star who happens to pass by. The three take the “audition” to a seedy hotel room. Although “Marc” is the focus of the encounter, the twins can be seen rubbing each others’ chests and getting cozy. “Marc and the Twins” seems to be the most popular of the online porn films that star Taleon and Keyontyli.[5]
Another example of joint appearances of the twins was the photo shoot entitled “Ty and Chico: Double Trouble,” which Mandate magazine published in March, 2005. The text accompanying the images (which simulated a sexual encounter) identified the brothers as “distant cousins.”[6]
3 Legal Difficulties
On February 19, 2008, Keyontyli and Taleon were arrested in Philadelphia after they broke into a beauty shop through a roof and stole $2,000 from an ATM there. As CBS News reported at the time, “The brothers are suspects in dozens of burglaries committed over the past 18 months throughout New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware, where intruders gained entry by hacking through the rooftops of businesses.”[7] At the subsequent trial, Keyontyli pleaded guilty “to acting as a lookout while his twin brother and sometime co-star cut holes through the roofs of Philadelphia businesses to break inside.”[8] In September, 2009, he was sentenced to time served and released. Taleon, on the other hand, who had a significant prior criminal record, was sentenced to serve a three-year prison term for the burglary.[9]
4 References
- Hochspringen ↑ See Stephanie Farr and Dan Gross, “Twin gay porn stars arrested in rooftop burglaries,” Philadelphia Daily News (Feb. 27, 2008).
- Hochspringen ↑ For a resume, see http://www.adxtend.com/keyon/resume.
- Hochspringen ↑ See Clik, vol. 9, no. 1 (March, 2008).
- Hochspringen ↑ See Next vol. 15, no. 25 (Dec. 21–27, 2007).
- Hochspringen ↑ Stephanie Farr and Dan Gross, “Twin gay porn stars arrested in rooftop burglaries,” Philadelphia Daily News (Feb. 27, 2008).
- Hochspringen ↑ See Mandate (March, 2005).
- Hochspringen ↑ ”Gay Porn Star Twins Charged in Crime Spree,” CBS News (February 29, 2008).
- Hochspringen ↑ Ryan Smith, “Porn Star Twins Admit Rooftop Robbery: Are Handcuffs a Career-Killer?” CBS News (Sept. 17, 2009).
- Hochspringen ↑ See Ryan Smith, “Taleon Goffney, Twin Porn Star,Sentenced to 3 Years for ‘Spider Man’ Burglaries,” CBS News (Dec. 15, 2009).
5 Additional Sources
6 External Links
Keyontyli Goffney's My Space page
7 Quellenangabe
Der vorhergehende Text basiert überwiegend auf dem Artikel „en:Keyontyli_Goffney“ aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia in der Version vom 28. Dez. 2009 (Permanentlink) und steht unter der Creative-Commons-Lizenz „Namensnennung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0“. In der Wikipedia ist eine Liste der Autoren verfügbar. |
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