Diskussion:Cassie M. Shelly

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Zombie Girl
Cassie zombie-girl.jpg
Zombie Girl from Epitaph: Beginning of the End #1
Publication information
Publisher Night Phoenix Press
First appearance Epitaph: Beginning of the End #0
Created by Nathyn Brendan Masters
In-story information
Alter ego Cassie M. Shelly
Species Human (reanimated)
Team affiliations None
Notable aliases Freak
Abilities Enhanced strength, inability to feel some types of pain, enhanced smell, razor sharp teeth
H, Wikipedia:Category:Converted comics character infoboxes, Wikipedia:Category:Converted category character infoboxes

Zombie Girl is a fictional comic book character, created by Wikipedia:Nathyn Brendan Masters, whose first appearance was Epitaph: Beginning of the End #1 (2010).

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1 Fictional character history

Zombie Girl is Cassie Mariam Shelly, a prostitute who was killed by a serial killer named JackMax (also see Wikipedia:Jack the Ripper). After being viciously carved up she woke up in a garbage bag in a trash can. She was had been stitched back together. Her flesh was discolored, but for the most part she was okay, aside from the pain of the operation. Apparently large sections of her body had to be repaired. Wikipedia:Dr. Frank Stein, the doctor who operated on her, had been dabbling "resurrective surgery". Cassie was indeed dead, but she found herself alive and hungry. Cassie craves living tissue.

Cassie got into the business during her freshmen year of college. Her parents died when a drunk driver slammed into their car head on. The driver was hurt, but Cassie's mother and father both perished one and hour after the other. Eventually Cassie had to choose to be on the street or live with friends. Considering she was a loner she had few friends and found herself living with people she didn't know very well, often ending in her being in sexual relationships just to keep a roof over her head.

After one man she had been staying with became abusive, she knocked him unconscious with a lamp. Believing she might've killed him, she took what money she could and ran. She found a cheap motel to live in and stayed there. She saw prostitution and illicit acts all around her. At this point her decision to join the crowd was easier than ever.

Eventually she bumped in Rev. Michael Damien, who worked with the poor. One of the people who helped him was Wikipedia:Victor Locke. They both had gone to the same College. Though he reached out to her she always questioned why and never allowed him to get too close. In her experience religious people were as bad or worse than others. One night after a particularly bad week, Victor chipped in to help pay her rent. But before she got home she decided to do one more job for the night. The person was Jack Max. He carved her up and left her for dead. But Cassie had a "Body Track" contract. She had been given money to sign a contract that stated if she died her body would go to Wikipedia:Frank Stein Industries for research.

2 Differentiations

Unlike other Wikipedia:zombies Cassie is a carnivore and doesn't particularly go after brains. She eats craves human flesh. It is not yet understood why or what caused this change.

3 Trivia

Cassie M. Shelly is a play on words. Her middle name is Mariam. Mary Shelly wrote the classic novel Wikipedia:Frankenstein. The doctor who put Cassie back together is Dr. Frank Stein. In the Night Phoenix Press universe the novel is seen as a Biography. Frank Stein is indeed a descendant of the original Dr. Frankenstein.

4 Film History

Cassie makes an appearance in Wikipedia:Epitaph: Bread and Salt the first film adaptation of the Epitaph Comic Book. She is played by American actress Jenna Ambien Halvorson. Special Effects make artist Savion Smith crafted the make up process to get her to look like the character from the book.

5 Source

Der vorhergehende Text basiert überwiegend auf dem Artikel „en:Cassie_M._Shelly“ aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia in der Version vom 12 November 2010 (Permanentlink) und steht unter der Creative-Commons-Lizenz „Namensnennung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0“. In der Wikipedia ist eine Liste der Autoren verfügbar.

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