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France Warning sign

Copyright warning: A subject in this image is protected by copyright.

This image features an architectural or artistic work, photographed from a public space in France. There are no Freedom of Panorama exemptions in France, which means that they cannot be photographed freely for anything other than personal purposes. However, French jurisprudence states that no infringement is constituted when the work is an "accessory compared to the main represented or handled subject".

If a copyrighted architectural or artistic work is contained in this image and it is a substantial reproduction, this photo cannot be licensed under a free license, and will be deleted. Framing this image to focus on the copyrighted work is also a copyright violation. These criteria will be enforced all the more strictly when the work is easy to identify and bears a touristic interest.

Before reusing this content, ensure that you have the right to do so. You are solely responsible for ensuring that you do not infringe someone else's copyrights. See our general disclaimer for more information.

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NOTE: Please do not use this template directly! This is just for translation. Use {{NoFoP-France}} instead!

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