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1 Bibliographie

  1. Biology of bone marrow-derived endothelial cell precursors. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 292(1):H1-18 (2007) PMID 16980351
  2. Bone marrow stem cell transplantation for cardiac repair. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 288(6):H2557-67 (2005) PMID 15897328
  3. Paving the road for lung stem cell biology: bronchioalveolar stem cells and other putative distal lung stem cells. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 293(5):L1092-8 (2007) PMID 17693488
  4. Mesenchymal stromal cells. Biology of adult mesenchymal stem cells: regulation of niche, self-renewal and differentiation. Arthritis Res Ther 9(1):204 (2007) PMID 17316462
  5. Stem cells in the adult pancreas and liver. Biochem J 404(2):169-78 (2007) PMID 17488235
  6. Adipose-derived stem cells for regenerative medicine. Circ Res 100(9):1249-60 (2007) PMID 17495232
  7. Neural stem cells: an overview. Circ Res 92(6):598-608 (2003) PMID 12676811
  8. Epithelial stem cells of the lung: privileged few or opportunities for many? Development 133(13):2455-65 (2006) PMID 16735479
  9. Adipose tissue-derived cells: from physiology to regenerative medicine. Diabetes Metab 32(5 Pt 1):393-401 (2006) PMID 17110894
  10. Bone marrow progenitors in inflammation and repair: new vistas in respiratory biology and pathophysiology. Eur Respir J 27(3):441-5 (2006) PMID 16507840
  11. Adult stem cells for cardiac repair: a choice between skeletal myoblasts and bone marrow stem cells. Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 231(1):8-19 (2006) PMID 16380640
  12. Mesenchymal stem cells. Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 226(6):507-20 (2001) PMID 11395921
  13. Pluripotent stem cell lines. Genes Dev 22(15):1987-97 (2008) PMID 18676805
  14. Stem cell in gastrointestinal structure and neoplastic development. Gut 53(6):899-910 (2004) PMID 15138220
  15. Human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in vivo. Rheumatology (Oxford) 47(2):126-31 (2008) PMID 17986482
  16. Concise review: mesenchymal stem cells: their phenotype, differentiation capacity, immunological features, and potential for homing. Stem Cells 25(11):2739-49 (2007) PMID 17656645
  17. Concise review: multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells in blood. Stem Cells 25(1):69-77 (2007) PMID 16973831
  18. Stem cell assays: something old, something new, something borrowed. Stem Cells 22(7):1181-90 (2004) PMID 15579638
  19. Bone marrow stromal stem cells: nature, biology, and potential applications. Stem Cells 19(3):180-92 (2001) PMID 11359943
  20. Stems cells and the pathways to aging and cancer. Cell 132(4):681-96 (2008) PMID 18295583
  21. Stem cell trafficking in tissue development, growth, and disease. Cell 132(4):612-30 (2008) PMID 18295579
  22. Mechanisms of asymmetric stem cell division. Cell 132(4):583-97 (2008) PMID 18295577
  23. Stem cells, the molecular circuitry of pluripotency and nuclear reprogramming. Cell 132(4):567-82 (2008) PMID 18295576

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