Retinoblastom Gen, Rb

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1 Bibliographie

  1. The retinoblastoma gene: role in cell cycle control and cell differentiation. FASEB J 7(10):841-5 (1993) PMID 8393817
  2. Molecular mechanisms of E2F-dependent activation and pRB-mediated repression. J Cell Sci 117(Pt 11):2173-81 (2004) PMID 15126619
  3. The Rb gene and the negative regulation of cell growth. Blood 74(2):529-32 (1989) PMID 2665846
  4. RB1 gene mutation up-date, a meta-analysis based on 932 reported mutations available in a searchable database. BMC Genet 6():53 (2005) PMID 16269091
  5. The Rb tumor suppressor in stress responses and hematopoietic homeostasis. Cell Cycle 4(1):42-5 (2005) PMID 15611658
  6. Structure-function analysis of the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein - is the whole a sum of its parts? Cell Div 2():26 (2007) PMID 17854503
  7. Toward an understanding of the functional complexity of the E2F and retinoblastoma families. Cell Growth Differ 9(8):585-93 (1998) PMID 9716176
  8. The retinoblastoma protein: a master regulator of cell cycle, differentiation and apoptosis. Eur J Biochem 246(3):581-601 (1997) PMID 9219514
  9. Retinoblastoma tumor suppressor: where cancer meets the cell cycle. Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 231(7):1271-81 (2006) PMID 16816134
  10. The Rb/E2F pathway: expanding roles and emerging paradigms. Genes Dev 14(19):2393-409 (2000) PMID 11018009
  11. The regulation of E2F by pRB-family proteins. Genes Dev 12(15):2245-62 (1998) PMID 9694791
  12. The retinoblastoma family: twins or distant cousins? Genome Biol 3(9):reviews3012 (2002) PMID 12225593
  13. The Rb/E2F pathway and cancer. Hum Mol Genet 10(7):699-703 (2001) PMID 11257102
  14. Role of the retinoblastoma gene in the initiation and progression of human cancer. J Clin Invest 85(4):988-93 (1990) PMID 2180983
  15. The retinoblastoma protein and cell cycle control. Cell 81(3):323-30 (1995) PMID 7736585
  16. Cyclin-dependent kinases and pRb: regulators of the proliferation-differentiation switch. FEBS Lett 367(2):103-6 (1995) PMID 7796903

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