Neutrophiler Granulozyt

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  1. Unique structural features that influence neutrophil emigration into the lung. Physiol Rev 83(2):309-36 (2003) PMID 12663861
  2. Activation of neutrophil leukocytes: chemoattractant receptors and respiratory burst. FASEB J 7(11):1004-10 (1993) PMID 8396540
  3. Granzymes at a glance. J Cell Sci 119(Pt 24):5011-4 (2006) PMID 17158907
  4. Interactions between neutrophils and endothelial cells. J Cell Sci 106 ( Pt 2)():441-51 (1993) PMID 8282752
  5. The superoxide-generating oxidase of phagocytic cells. Physiological, molecular and pathological aspects. Eur J Biochem 201(3):523-46 (1991) PMID 1657601
  6. Granzymes: a family of lymphocyte granule serine proteases. Genome Biol 2(12):REVIEWS3014 (2001) PMID 11790262
  7. Mechanisms and consequences of neutrophil interaction with the endothelium. Am J Pathol 172(1):1-7 (2008) PMID 18079440
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  9. Clinical conditions associated with defective polymorphonuclear leukocyte chemotaxis. Am J Pathol 88(3):711-26 (1977) PMID 407800
  10. Some interrelations of neutrophil chemotaxis, lysosomal enzyme secretion, and phagocytosis as revealed by synthetic peptides. Am J Pathol 85(2):385-94 (1976) PMID 793409
  11. Human granulocyte elastase. Further delineation of its role in connective tissue damage. Am J Pathol 68(3):579-92 (1972) PMID 4342329
  12. Role of granulocyte collagenase in collagen degradation. Am J Pathol 68(3):565-78 (1972) PMID 4340976
  13. Leukocytic proteases and the immunologic release of lysosomal enzymes. Am J Pathol 68(3):539-64 (1972) PMID 4340975
  14. To live and die in the LA (lung airway): mode of neutrophil death and progression of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 37(2):129-30 (2007) PMID 17634347
  15. Granulocyte apoptosis and its role in the resolution and control of lung inflammation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 160(5 Pt 2):S5-11 (1999) PMID 10556161
  16. The phagocytes: neutrophils and monocytes. Blood 112(4):935-45 (2008) PMID 18684880
  17. Lessons from congenital neutropenia: 50 years of progress in understanding myelopoiesis. Blood 111(12):5427-32 (2008) PMID 18544696
  18. NADPH oxidase: an update. Blood 93(5):1464-76 (1999) PMID 10029572
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  20. Antimicrobial polypeptides of human neutrophils. Blood 76(11):2169-81 (1990) PMID 2257291
  21. Oxidants from phagocytes: agents of defense and destruction. Blood 64(5):959-66 (1984) PMID 6386073
  22. Analytic review: disorders of phagocyte function. Blood 35(6):851-66 (1970) PMID 4913406
  23. The role of phagocyte function in resistance to infection. Calif Med 114(6):17-25 (1971) PMID 4931050
  24. Advances in neutrophil biology: clinical implications. Chest 134(3):606-12 (2008) PMID 18779195
  25. Burying the dead: the impact of failed apoptotic cell removal (efferocytosis) on chronic inflammatory lung disease. Chest 129(6):1673-82 (2006) PMID 16778289
  26. Disorders of neutrophil number and function. Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program ():104-10 (2006) PMID 17124047
  27. The leukocyte NADPH oxidase. Isr Med Assoc J 4(11):1023-4 (2002) PMID 12489496
  28. The electron transport chain of the microbicidal oxidase of phagocytic cells and its involvement in the molecular pathology of chronic granulomatous disease. J Clin Invest 83(6):1785-93 (1989) PMID 2656760
  29. The respiratory burst of phagocytes. J Clin Invest 73(3):599-601 (1984) PMID 6323522
  30. New perspectives on basic mechanisms in lung disease. 2. Neutrophil traffic in the lungs: role of haemodynamics, cell adhesion, and deformability. Thorax 48(1):79-88 (1993) PMID 8434360

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