Nephrotisches Syndrom

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1 Bibliographie

  1. Plasmin and sodium retention in nephrotic syndrome. J Am Soc Nephrol 20(2):233-4 (2009) PMID 19176698
  2. Prophylactic anticoagulation in nephrotic syndrome: a clinical conundrum. J Am Soc Nephrol 18(8):2221-5 (2007) PMID 17599972
  3. Circulating permeability factors in the nephrotic syndrome: a fresh look at an old problem. J Am Soc Nephrol 14(2):541-3 (2003) PMID 12538757
  4. Interstitial inflammation, sodium retention, and the pathogenesis of nephrotic edema: a unifying hypothesis. Kidney Int 62(4):1379-84 (2002) PMID 12234309
  5. The nephrotic syndrome. Postgrad Med J 61(722):1057-62 (1985) PMID 3912750
  6. The pathological anatomy of the nephrotic syndrome. Postgrad Med J 45(529):701-12 (1969) PMID 4902324
  7. Management of patients with nephrotic syndrome. Swiss Med Wkly 139(29-30):416-22 (2009) PMID 19680831
  8. Treatment of the nephrotic syndrome associated with primary glomerulonephritis. Kidney Int 46(3):595-604 (1994) PMID 7996782
  9. Mechanisms and management of nephrotic edema. Kidney Int 45(1):266-81 (1994) PMID 8127018
  10. Hypercoagulability, renal vein thrombosis, and other thrombotic complications of nephrotic syndrome. Kidney Int 28(3):429-39 (1985) PMID 3906225
  11. Immunologic aspects of the nephrotic syndrome. Kidney Int 3(2):105-15 (1973) PMID 4571916

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