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  1. Cooperative mechanisms of mitotic spindle formation. J Cell Sci 120(Pt 10):1717-22 (2007) PMID 17502482
  2. The anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome: APC/C. J Cell Sci 119(Pt 12):2401-4 (2006) PMID 16763193
  3. Cell division and the mitotic spindle. J Cell Biol 91(3 Pt 2):131s-147s (1981) PMID 7033235
  4. Essential tension and constructive destruction: the spindle checkpoint and its regulatory links with mitotic exit. Biochem J 386(Pt 1):1-13 (2005) PMID 15521820
  5. Video views and reviews: mitosis, microfibers, and motility. Cell Biol Educ 3(2):81-4 (2004) PMID 15257333
  6. Microtubules in mitosis. Cell Struct Funct 19(2):57-62 (1994) PMID 7923398
  7. The metaphase to anaphase transition: a case of productive destruction. Eur J Biochem 263(1):14-9 (1999) PMID 10429181
  8. The anaphase-promoting complex: it's not just for mitosis any more. Genes Dev 16(17):2179-206 (2002) PMID 12208841
  9. Whose end is destruction: cell division and the anaphase-promoting complex. Genes Dev 13(16):2039-58 (1999) PMID 10465783
  10. Polo-like kinases: a team that plays throughout mitosis. Genes Dev 12(24):3777-87 (1998) PMID 9869630
  11. Asymmetric cell division: from A to Z. Genes Dev 12(23):3625-38 (1998) PMID 9851969
  12. Coordination of DNA synthesis and replicative unwinding by the S-phase checkpoint pathways. Nucleic Acids Res 34(15):4138-46 (2006) PMID 16935878
  13. In situ assessment of cell viability within biodegradable polylactic acid polymer matrices. Biomaterials 16(18):1381-4 (1995) PMID 8590764
  14. Motor function in the mitotic spindle. Cell 102(4):399-402 (2000) PMID 10966101
  15. Exit from mitosis: spindle pole power. Cell 102(3):267-70 (2000) PMID 10975516
  16. Spindle microtubules: getting attached at both ends. Curr Biol 17(22):R966-9 (2007) PMID 18029252
  17. Mechanisms and molecules of the mitotic spindle. Curr Biol 14(18):R797-805 (2004) PMID 15380094
  18. The mitotic exit network. Curr Biol 13(8):R301 (2003) PMID 12699638
  19. Cell division: Biochemically controlled mechanics. Curr Biol 11(18):R737-40 (2001) PMID 11566116
  20. Spindle positioning by cortical pulling forces. Dev Cell 8(4):461-5 (2005) PMID 15809029
  21. Stuck in division or passing through: what happens when cells cannot satisfy the spindle assembly checkpoint. Dev Cell 7(5):637-51 (2004) PMID 15525526
  22. Reconstruction of microtubules; entry into interphase. Dev Cell 6(4):456-8 (2004) PMID 15068784
  23. Tracing the pathway of spindle assembly checkpoint signaling. Dev Cell 1(2):162-4 (2001) PMID 11702776
  24. The anaphase-promoting complex: proteolysis in mitosis and beyond. Mol Cell 9(5):931-43 (2002) PMID 12049731

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