Lunge (Erkrankung allg.)

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1 Bibliographie

  1. Immunopathology of the lung: a review. Am J Pathol 95(3):795-844 (1979) PMID 156505
  2. The cytopathology of the respiratory tract. A review. Am J Pathol 84(2):372-424 (1976) PMID 181995
  3. Diffuse lung disease in young children: application of a novel classification scheme. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 176(11):1120-8 (2007) PMID 17885266
  4. Bronchiolar disorders. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 168(11):1277-92 (2003) PMID 14644923
  5. Medical staff conference: drug-induced lung disease: the price of progress. Calif Med 119(4):48-55 (1973) PMID 4749312
  6. Needle lung biopsy, bronchial brushing and mediastinoscopy in management of chest diseases. Calif Med 119(3):1-5 (1973) PMID 4733267
  7. Top ten list in pulmonary vascular disease. Chest 127(2):652-4 (2005) PMID 15706009
  8. Tick-borne pulmonary disease: update on diagnosis and management. Chest 116(1):222-30 (1999) PMID 10424529
  9. Drug-induced pulmonary disease. An update. Chest 102(1):239-50 (1992) PMID 1623761
  10. Immunologic lung diseases (part 1). Chest 81(5):626-31 (1982) PMID 7042227
  11. Pulmonary diseases and the heart. Circulation 116(25):2992-3005 (2007) PMID 18086941
  12. Small airways diseases: detection and insights with computed tomography. Eur Respir J 17(6):1294-313 (2001) PMID 11491178
  13. Respiratory disease induced by drugs. Eur Respir J 10(2):260-4 (1997) PMID 9042619
  14. Cystic and cavitary lung diseases: focal and diffuse. Mayo Clin Proc 78(6):744-52 (2003) PMID 12934786
  15. Diagnostic approach to the patient with diffuse lung disease. Mayo Clin Proc 77(11):1221-7; quiz 1227 (2002) PMID 12440558
  16. Imaging of the pulmonary manifestations of systemic disease. Postgrad Med J 77(912):621-38 (2001) PMID 11571369
  17. Orphan lung diseases in childhood: still unadopted? Thorax 60(11):892-4 (2005) PMID 16263945
  18. The diagnosis, assessment and treatment of diffuse parenchymal lung disease in adults. Introduction. Thorax 54 Suppl 1():S1-14 (1999) PMID 11006787
  19. Drug-induced pulmonary vascular disease--mechanisms and clinical patterns. West J Med 145(3):343-9 (1986) PMID 3532567
  20. Inherited disorders of neonatal lung diseases. Turk J Pediatr 46(2):105-14 (2004) PMID 15214737
  21. Congenital and acquired pulmonary vein stenosis. Circulation 115(1):103-8 (2007) PMID 17200453
  22. Pulmonary vein stenosis: prematurity and associated conditions. Pediatrics 122(3):e656-61 (2008) PMID 18762500

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