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1 Bibliographie
- Hochspringen ↑ Myocardial infarction and ischaemic heart disease in infants and children. Analysis of 29 cases and review of the literature. Arch Dis Child 44(234):268-81 (1969) PMID 4388556
- Hochspringen ↑ Coronary thrombosis and myocardial infarction. Can Med Assoc J 97(22):1339-44 (1967) PMID 4863012
- Hochspringen ↑ A normal coronary arteriogram in a very young man with Prinzmetal's variant angina: Case report with review of the literature. Cardiovasc Dis 8(4):537-545 (1981) PMID 15216180
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- Hochspringen ↑ Antithrombotic therapy for non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines (8th Edition). Chest 133(6 Suppl):670S-707S (2008) PMID 18574276
- Hochspringen ↑ A pictorial review of coronary artery bypass grafts at multidetector row CT. Chest 127(4):1371-7 (2005) PMID 15821218
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- Hochspringen ↑ Drug-eluting intra-coronary stents: have we got the magic bullet? J Postgrad Med 49(3):291-6 (2003) PMID 14597805
- Hochspringen ↑ Survival benefit with concomitant oral platelet therapy after coronary angiography and before ad hoc percutaneous coronary intervention. Mayo Clin Proc 83(9):978-9 (2008) PMID 18775195
- Hochspringen ↑ Placing COURAGE in context: review of the recent literature on managing stable coronary artery disease. Mayo Clin Proc 83(7):799-805 (2008) PMID 18613996
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- Hochspringen ↑ Current and future treatment strategies for refractory angina. Mayo Clin Proc 79(10):1284-92 (2004) PMID 15473411
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- Hochspringen ↑ Current results and new developments of coronary angiography with use of contrast-enhanced computed tomography of the heart. Mayo Clin Proc 77(1):55-71 (2002) PMID 11794459
- Hochspringen ↑ A pooled analysis of data comparing sirolimus-eluting stents with bare-metal stents. N Engl J Med 356(10):989-97 (2007) PMID 17296825
- Hochspringen ↑ Safety and efficacy of sirolimus- and paclitaxel-eluting coronary stents. N Engl J Med 356(10):998-1008 (2007) PMID 17296824
- Hochspringen ↑ Analysis of 14 trials comparing sirolimus-eluting stents with bare-metal stents. N Engl J Med 356(10):1030-9 (2007) PMID 17296823
- Hochspringen ↑ Stent thrombosis in randomized clinical trials of drug-eluting stents. N Engl J Med 356(10):1020-9 (2007) PMID 17296821
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- Hochspringen ↑ Lessons we have learned from the GUSTO trial. Global Utilization of Streptokinase and Tissue Plasminogen Activator for Occluded Arteries. J Am Coll Cardiol 25(7 Suppl):10S-17S (1995) PMID 7775708
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- Hochspringen ↑ Current concepts of the pathogenesis of the acute coronary syndromes. Circulation 104(3):365-72 (2001) PMID 11457759
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- Hochspringen ↑ Indications for ACE inhibitors in the early treatment of acute myocardial infarction: systematic overview of individual data from 100,000 patients in randomized trials. ACE Inhibitor Myocardial Infarction Collaborative Group. Circulation 97(22):2202-12 (1998) PMID 9631869
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- Hochspringen ↑ Aortocoronary saphenous vein graft disease: pathogenesis, predisposition, and prevention. Circulation 97(9):916-31 (1998) PMID 9521341
- Hochspringen ↑ New look to an old symptom: angina pectoris. Circulation 96(10):3766-73 (1997) PMID 9396481
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- Hochspringen ↑ Molecular bases of the acute coronary syndromes. Circulation 91(11):2844-50 (1995) PMID 7758192
- Hochspringen ↑ A meta-analysis of 17 randomized trials of a percutaneous coronary intervention-based strategy in patients with stable coronary artery disease. J Am Coll Cardiol 52(11):894-904 (2008) PMID 18772058
- Hochspringen ↑ Percutaneous coronary intervention for stable coronary artery disease. J Am Coll Cardiol 52(11):889-93 (2008) PMID 18772057
- Hochspringen ↑ The effects of medications on myocardial perfusion. J Am Coll Cardiol 52(6):401-16 (2008) PMID 18672159
- Hochspringen ↑ Clinical efficacy of drug-eluting stents in diabetic patients: a meta-analysis. J Am Coll Cardiol 51(25):2385-95 (2008) PMID 18565394
- Hochspringen ↑ 2007 focused update of the ACC/AHA 2004 guidelines for the management of patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol 51(2):210-47 (2008) PMID 18191746
- Hochspringen ↑ 2007 focused update of the ACC/AHA/SCAI 2005 guideline update for percutaneous coronary intervention: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol 51(2):172-209 (2008) PMID 18191745
- Hochspringen ↑ 2007 chronic angina focused update of the ACC/AHA 2002 guidelines for the management of patients with chronic stable angina: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines Writing Group to develop the focused update of the 2002 guidelines for the management of patients with chronic stable angina. J Am Coll Cardiol 50(23):2264-74 (2007) PMID 18061078
- Hochspringen ↑ Universal definition of myocardial infarction. J Am Coll Cardiol 50(22):2173-95 (2007) PMID 18036459
- Hochspringen ↑ The Emperor's new clothes: another cypher versus taxus post-hoc meta-analysis. J Am Coll Cardiol 50(14):1381-5 (2007) PMID 17903639
- Hochspringen ↑ A meta-analysis of 16 randomized trials of sirolimus-eluting stents versus paclitaxel-eluting stents in patients with coronary artery disease. J Am Coll Cardiol 50(14):1373-80 (2007) PMID 17903638
- Hochspringen ↑ ST-segment deviation analysis of the admission 12-lead electrocardiogram as an aid to early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction with a cardiac magnetic resonance imaging gold standard. J Am Coll Cardiol 50(11):1021-8 (2007) PMID 17825710
- Hochspringen ↑ Reperfusion strategies in acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: a comprehensive review of contemporary management options. J Am Coll Cardiol 50(10):917-29 (2007) PMID 17765117
- Hochspringen ↑ ACC/AHA 2007 guidelines for the management of patients with unstable angina/non-ST-Elevation myocardial infarction: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Revise the 2002 Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Unstable Angina/Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction) developed in collaboration with the American College of Emergency Physicians, the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, and the Society of Thoracic Surgeons endorsed by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation and the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine. J Am Coll Cardiol 50(7):e1-e157 (2007) PMID 17692738
- Hochspringen ↑ Stent thrombosis, myocardial infarction, and death after drug-eluting and bare-metal stent coronary interventions. J Am Coll Cardiol 50(5):463-70 (2007) PMID 17662400
- Hochspringen ↑ Late and very late thrombosis of drug-eluting stents: evolving concepts and perspectives. J Am Coll Cardiol 50(2):119-27 (2007) PMID 17616295
- Hochspringen ↑ Prevention of premature discontinuation of dual antiplatelet therapy in patients with coronary artery stents: a science advisory from the American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, American College of Surgeons, and American Dental Association, with representation from the American College of Physicians. J Am Coll Cardiol 49(6):734-9 (2007) PMID 17291948
- Hochspringen ↑ Effectiveness of drug-eluting stents in patients with bare-metal in-stent restenosis: meta-analysis of randomized trials. J Am Coll Cardiol 49(5):616-23 (2007) PMID 17276188
- Hochspringen ↑ Attenuated coronary collateral function after drug-eluting stent implantation: a new downside of drug-eluting stents? J Am Coll Cardiol 49(1):21-2 (2007) PMID 17207717
- Hochspringen ↑ Drug-eluting stents and late adverse clinical outcomes lessons learned, lessons awaited. J Am Coll Cardiol 47(10):2112-5 (2006) PMID 16697332
- Hochspringen ↑ Allergic reactions after the implantation of drug-eluting stents: is it the pill or the polymer? J Am Coll Cardiol 47(1):182-3 (2006) PMID 16386684
- Hochspringen ↑ Hypersensitivity cases associated with drug-eluting coronary stents: a review of available cases from the Research on Adverse Drug Events and Reports (RADAR) project. J Am Coll Cardiol 47(1):175-81 (2006) PMID 16386683
- Hochspringen ↑ Contemporary stent treatment of coronary bifurcations. J Am Coll Cardiol 46(8):1446-55 (2005) PMID 16226167
- Hochspringen ↑ The quantification of infarct size. J Am Coll Cardiol 44(8):1533-42 (2004) PMID 15489082
- Hochspringen ↑ ACC/AHA 2004 guideline update for coronary artery bypass graft surgery: summary article. A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Committee to Update the 1999 Guidelines for Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery). J Am Coll Cardiol 44(5):e213-310 (2004) PMID 15337239
- Hochspringen ↑ Coronary stenting versus balloon angioplasty in small vessels: a meta-analysis from 11 randomized studies. J Am Coll Cardiol 43(11):1964-72 (2004) PMID 15172399
- Hochspringen ↑ Meta-analysis of randomized trials of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty versus atherectomy, cutting balloon atherotomy, or laser angioplasty. J Am Coll Cardiol 43(6):936-42 (2004) PMID 15028347
- Hochspringen ↑ Myocardial perfusion imaging following percutaneous coronary intervention: the importance of restenosis, disease progression, and directed reintervention. J Am Coll Cardiol 43(3):328-36 (2004) PMID 15013110
- Hochspringen ↑ Prediction of sudden cardiac death after myocardial infarction in the beta-blocking era. J Am Coll Cardiol 42(4):652-8 (2003) PMID 12932596
- Hochspringen ↑ A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials comparing coronary artery bypass graft with percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty: one- to eight-year outcomes. J Am Coll Cardiol 41(8):1293-304 (2003) PMID 12706924
- Hochspringen ↑ Pathobiology, not angiography, should guide management in acute coronary syndrome/non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: the non-interventionist's perspective. J Am Coll Cardiol 41(4 Suppl S):103S-112S (2003) PMID 12644348
- Hochspringen ↑ "Ischemia-guided" versus "early invasive" strategies in the management of acute coronary syndrome/non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: the interventionalist's perspective. J Am Coll Cardiol 41(4 Suppl S):96S-102S (2003) PMID 12644347
- Hochspringen ↑ The thrombolysis in myocardial infarction risk score in unstable angina/non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. J Am Coll Cardiol 41(4 Suppl S):89S-95S (2003) PMID 12644346
- Hochspringen ↑ Myocardial laser revascularization for the treatment of end-stage coronary artery disease. J Am Coll Cardiol 41(2):173-83 (2003) PMID 12535804
- Hochspringen ↑ ACC/AHA 2002 guideline update for the management of patients with chronic stable angina--summary article: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on practice guidelines (Committee on the Management of Patients With Chronic Stable Angina). J Am Coll Cardiol 41(1):159-68 (2003) PMID 12570960
- Hochspringen ↑ Intravenous glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor antagonists reduce mortality after percutaneous coronary interventions. J Am Coll Cardiol 41(1):26-32 (2003) PMID 12570940
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