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1 Bibliographie

  1. Histone modifications and nuclear architecture: a review. J Histochem Cytochem 56(8):711-21 (2008) PMID 18474937
  2. Histone acetylation: a switch between repressive and permissive chromatin. Second in review series on chromatin dynamics. EMBO Rep 3(3):224-9 (2002) PMID 11882541
  3. Erasing the methyl mark: histone demethylases at the center of cellular differentiation and disease. Genes Dev 22(9):1115-40 (2008) PMID 18451103
  4. Histone variants: deviants? Genes Dev 19(3):295-310 (2005) PMID 15687254
  5. Transcriptional regulation by histone ubiquitination and deubiquitination. Genes Dev 17(22):2733-40 (2003) PMID 14630937
  6. Histone modification and replacement in chromatin activation. Genes Dev 16(14):1739-42 (2002) PMID 12130533
  7. Transcription regulation by histone methylation: interplay between different covalent modifications of the core histone tails. Genes Dev 15(18):2343-60 (2001) PMID 11562345
  8. A tale of histone modifications. Genome Biol 2(4):REVIEWS0003 (2001) PMID 11305943
  9. Protamines, in the footsteps of linker histone evolution. J Biol Chem 281(1):1-4 (2006) PMID 16243843
  10. The tale beyond the tail: histone core domain modifications and the regulation of chromatin structure. Nucleic Acids Res 34(9):2653-62 (2006) PMID 16714444
  11. Monitoring gene expression in Chinese hamster ovary cells using secreted apoaequorin. Anal Biochem 201(1):114-8 (1992) PMID 1621948
  12. Functional reorganization of the brain in recovery from striatocapsular infarction in man. Ann Neurol 31(5):463-72 (1992) PMID 1596081
  13. Crosstalk among Histone Modifications. Cell 135(4):604-7 (2008) PMID 19013272
  14. Tails of intrigue: phosphorylation of RNA polymerase II mediates histone methylation. Cell 113(4):429-32 (2003) PMID 12757703
  15. Cellular memory and the histone code. Cell 111(3):285-91 (2002) PMID 12419240
  16. Histone methylation: dynamic or static? Cell 109(7):801-6 (2002) PMID 12110177
  17. Signaling to chromatin through histone modifications. Cell 103(2):263-71 (2000) PMID 11057899
  18. Histones and histone modifications. Curr Biol 14(14):R546-51 (2004) PMID 15268870
  19. Linker histones: paradigm lost but questions remain. FEBS Lett 441(2):161-4 (1998) PMID 9883876
  20. More histone structures. FEBS Lett 100(2):201-18 (1979) PMID 378692
  21. Histone ubiquitination: triggering gene activity. Mol Cell 29(6):653-63 (2008) PMID 18374642
  22. Dynamic regulation of histone lysine methylation by demethylases. Mol Cell 25(1):1-14 (2007) PMID 17218267
  23. The long and the short of it: linker histone H1 is required for metaphase chromosome compaction. Cell Cycle 5(6):589-91 (2006) PMID 16582611
  24. Developmental roles of the histone lysine demethylases. Development 136(6):879-89 (2009) PMID 19234061
  25. Controlling histone methylation via trans-histone pathways. Epigenetics 3(5):237-42 (2008) PMID 18806472

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