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1 Bibliographie

  1. Evolving indications for permanent pacemakers. Ann Intern Med 134(12):1130-41 (2001) PMID 11412054
  2. Expanding indications for permanent pacemakers. Ann Intern Med 123(6):443-51 (1995) PMID 7639445
  3. Pacemaker malfunction. Ann Intern Med 119(8):828-35 (1993) PMID 8379604
  4. Medical staff conference. Cardiac pacing. Calif Med 109(6):486-93 (1968) PMID 5724881
  5. Optimal lead positioning for postoperative atrial pacing. Chest 101(5):1194-6 (1992) PMID 1582269
  6. Nuclear-fueled cardiac pacemakers. Chest 65(6):667-72 (1974) PMID 4598870
  7. Power sources for implantable cardiac pacemakers. Chest 61(2):165-73 (1972) PMID 4550908
  8. Contemporary pacemaker and defibrillator device therapy: challenges confronting the general cardiologist. Circulation 115(5):638-53 (2007) PMID 17283279
  9. Evidence base for pacemaker mode selection: from physiology to randomized trials. Circulation 109(4):443-51 (2004) PMID 14757681
  10. Cardiac pacing, 1960-1985: a quarter century of medical and industrial innovation. Circulation 97(19):1978-91 (1998) PMID 9609092
  11. Guidelines for cardiac pacing and cardiac resynchronization therapy: The Task Force for Cardiac Pacing and Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy of the European Society of Cardiology. Developed in collaboration with the European Heart Rhythm Association. Eur Heart J 28(18):2256-95 (2007) PMID 17726042
  12. Pacing in heart failure: patient and pacing mode selection. Eur Heart J 24(11):977-86 (2003) PMID 12788298
  13. Basics of cardiac pacing: selection and mode choice. Heart 92(6):850-4 (2006) PMID 16698842
  14. Physiologic pacing: where pacing mode selection reflects the indication. Heart 90(6):593-4 (2004) PMID 15145847
  15. Permanent pacing: new indications. Heart 86(3):355-60 (2001) PMID 11514497
  16. Pacemaker lead complications: when is extraction appropriate and what can we learn from published data? Heart 85(3):254-9 (2001) PMID 11179258
  17. Temporary cardiac pacing. Heart 83(6):715-20 (2000) PMID 10814641
  18. Pacemaker mode selection and survival: a plea to apply the principles of evidence based medicine to cardiac pacing practice. Heart 78(3):218-20 (1997) PMID 9391279
  19. Impact of continuous quality improvement on selection of pacing mode and rate of complications in permanent pacing. Heart 77(4):357-62 (1997) PMID 9155617
  20. Contemporary pacemakers: what the primary care physician needs to know. Mayo Clin Proc 83(10):1170-86 (2008) PMID 18828980
  21. Temporary cardiac pacing. Postgrad Med J 75(888):577-8 (1999) PMID 10621895
  22. Indications and choices in pacemaker therapy. Tex Heart Inst J 18(3):170-8 (1991) PMID 15227476
  23. ACC/AHA guidelines for implantation of cardiac pacemakers and antiarrhythmia devices: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Committee on Pacemaker Implantation). J Am Coll Cardiol 31(5):1175-209 (1998) PMID 9562026

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