Endoplasmatisches Retikulum
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1 Bibliographie
- ↑ Structural organization of the endoplasmic reticulum. EMBO Rep 3(10):944-50 (2002) PMID 12370207
- ↑ ER chaperones in mammalian development and human diseases. FEBS Lett 581(19):3641-51 (2007) PMID 17481612
- ↑ Stress signaling from the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum: coordination of gene transcriptional and translational controls. Genes Dev 13(10):1211-33 (1999) PMID 10346810
- ↑ The contribution of N-glycans and their processing in the endoplasmic reticulum to glycoprotein biosynthesis. Glycobiology 13(9):77R-91R (2003) PMID 12736198
- ↑ Signaling the unfolded protein response from the endoplasmic reticulum. J Biol Chem 279(25):25935-8 (2004) PMID 15070890
- ↑ Endoplasmic reticulum: a dynamic patchwork of specialized subregions. Mol Biol Cell 3(10):1067-72 (1992) PMID 1421566
- ↑ The endoplasmic reticulum: a cytochemist's view (a review). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 73(8):2781-7 (1976) PMID 183210
- ↑ The ER translocon and retrotranslocation: is the shift into reverse manual or automatic? Cell 102(6):709-12 (2000) PMID 11030614
- ↑ Endoplasmic reticulum: a metabolic compartment. FEBS Lett 580(9):2160-5 (2006) PMID 16580671
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